Putin is defending, the opposition is attacking, the West is waiting – Respublika.lt


– Following the trial of opponent Alexei Navaln, a situation has arisen in Russia in which the government cannot completely ignore either his or the protest movement that is emerging in his favor. How serious is this all? Could this affect the political situation in Russia?

– Basically, there is an attack on the government of Vladimir Putin. Many true opponents (let’s call them that) believe that the replacement of Putin is a mature matter. Therefore, this “dramatic” return of A. Navaln to Russia, fully aware that he leaves no other way for Putin and his entourage to imprison him, with all the resulting political consequences, brings pros and cons to the critic of the Kremlin himself. For the moment, it is obvious that A. Navalnas has transformed from a blogger who criticizes the government into a true leader of the opposition, and his right to this leadership is agreed today by all the political forces of the opposition, as well as various social movements . prevent the formation of a serious opposition bloc, to prevent the emergence of a clearly perceived resistance leader in society from being thwarted, and now Russia has not only such a leader but also a political martyr. If we look for analogues in the world, then they have the Russian Nelson Mandela … Navaln’s environment understands the same and does not rightly expect that his neighborhood will have the opportunity to run for president. electoral identity …

– If you ever release him from jail …

– If he gets out of prison, if he does not die “unexpectedly” there, if no additional cases are presented to him … There are many paths that lead to the prison, and the exit is only one, so it can easily be A. Navaln has chosen the path of a political martyr and realizes that he is cultivating himself as a politician, but it is also important to remember the people who take to the streets, in which case it is important to note that not only Navaln supporters dare to say that most of them are ready to protest against much of the Russian government. Russia, but many of them do not support their liberation and some do not even consider the liberation of Navaln to be a major problem in Russian politics at the moment, but they are taking advantage to do so, they are angry and quite aggressive, their structure is very different from What we have seen before, is not the intellectuals gathered in Bolotnaya Square, but the people who clearly realize that the time has come to change power. s we’ve never heard of “Putin – vor” or “Putin, uchodi” before, and today these are the main slogans of the protest movement. That’s why everything fits …

– Let’s see the situation from the Putin environment. What are your words worthy that A. Navaln is an American spy and an agent of other foreign countries? If that were true, I would convict him of espionage or treason, not because he did not come to register with the police …

– Apparently they have no evidence that can be presented to the public that A. Navaln is a foreign agent. Although information is circulating in Russia today that Mr. Navaln’s account contains fifteen hundred million rubles, that huge sums of money fell into his account as soon as he was arrested, that part of the money received by his fund to expose government corruption is used by Mr. Navaln. purposes – to acquire real estate. Now it is announced that he will be sued for alleged misuse of said money. I can say that many people believe that. Apparently the government will now move in this direction, and generally not actually execute it. On the other hand, it should be understood that A. Navalnas is certainly not just an opposition. He changed many professions in his life, from hairdresser to politician and a true candidate for the political leaders of Russia. You have to understand that behind his back are the forces that oppose the current host of the Kremlin, very rich and powerful people who also have influence in the special services, so the Putin administration cannot do everything it wants with A. Navaln .

– The foreign reaction to this topic is also interesting. I am particularly fascinated by the position of Germany: for example, its Foreign Minister Heiko Maas sighs for Navaln’s arrest, demanding his immediate release (although even in Russia after the trial it is not possible), he explains that there is no democracy in Russia, but with On the other hand, the most undemocratic and universally reprehensible state drives the Nord Stream 2 business … It may not smell like money, but everything succumbs to double standards …

– This is continental politics, such a geopolitical game that the Germans and Russians were not allowed to play for centuries. If we look at the history of Russia, we note that Peter I did not seek wisdom anywhere else, but in German lands and built Saint Petersburg as a city of German influence. At that time, German immigration to the Russian Empire was massive. During the reign of Empress Catherine II, it was full of stately Germans, and the people of other Russian tsars were Germans, until the last wife of Nicholas II … So throughout history there are Russian attempts to work with Germany and it is as old as European history remembers. As a result of this policy, as we have repeatedly said, the British have been expelled from the EU. If we look even further, both the French and the Italians are as involved in this policy as possible … So we have European ‘partners’ for whom Russia is perfectly acceptable, realizing that this is a huge market that needs to be preserved, despite today’s government in Russia. They realize that sooner or later the Putin administration will change, but at the same time there will never be anything else, so they make that decision and it should come as no surprise: this is a situation born out of the geopolitical game that I mentioned and the Germans will not play differently.

– However, another great player is participating in this game: the United States. After all, we are told a lot about “transatlantic unity” through government propaganda channels. Where is that unity if there is disagreement on fundamental issues, because the US takes a position completely opposite to the great states of The EU?

– That’s why we have Anglo-Saxons on the one hand, British and Americans, and continental European countries on the other. Putin is well aware that several large nails have now been thrown into the claws of the transatlantic unit, and one of the nails is yet to explode: the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Of course, the history of Navaln plays an important role in This saga of The “transatlantic unit” or transatlantic axis is more a statement than a reality. If Donald Trump’s actions have built a powerful NATO bloc, now Baiden will probably ruin everything … So we will continue to have a fragmented Europe that plays its military games according to the French model, which despite the United States Europe should have its own armed forces that could be used if necessary, but at the same time try not to push too hard and provoke Russia. And the Lithuanian cries about the need to start imposing sanctions on Russia will continue to be the cry of the three states that navigate the streets of the United States and do not realize that they are much closer to Germany than to America …

– Just now, the EU Foreign Minister Josep Borell traveled to Moscow to discuss democracy with Putin, and perhaps to raise the “regrets” and “concerns” of others. What do you expect from this visit?

– V.Putinas has no choice but to hold down A. Navalnas in jail, so the sighs of J.Borelis will not change anything. It should be understood that J. Borel’s visit to Moscow already smells bad enough. And this is the typical example of the European efforts to find “dialogue opportunities” with Russia: if you want to press, then press, that is, do what Tramp did, who raised the bar before any negotiation that still had room for maneuver. in the negotiations and where And here is the situation: Borrell flies to Moscow to say that now he is going to oppress the Russians? It’s funny … So, nothing good can be expected here. And the exchange of views on Nord Stream 2, because it does not If you want, Berlin has the most serious positions in Europe. In essence, this European Union is the fourth Reich created by the Germans; this is all the territory that was occupied by the Germans during the Second World War. This should never be forgotten: the EU is made up of states that, with very rare exceptions during WWII, practically succumbed to the Germans, cooperated better with the Nazi regime, formed their own SS legions that fought in cold Russia, including the French with their 33rd WaffenSS division “Charlemagne” … They will obviously agree with the Germans even now. If Landsbergiuk doesn’t understand this, let him take a big shovel and dig a canal around the Lithuanian border, letting in salt water so that we can consider ourselves non-continental and live on the Anglo-Saxon model …
