Putin did not collect words during Sunday’s parade: he threatened “deadly” blows


The Russian leader bragged about it a few days after defense officials announced tests of new advanced weapons, some of which Putin called “invincible.”

“The Russian navy today has everything it needs to ensure the protection of our country and our national interests,” he said.

“We can detect underwater, land or air enemies and, if necessary, hit them with a fatal blow,” Putin said in a state television broadcast.

The Russian leader spoke during the annual warship parade, surrounded by white-clad naval officers, and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu was also nearby.

Putin said Russia had secured its place among the world’s largest naval powers, including developing “the latest hyperactive sound precision weapons without analogs in the world.”
With the world’s second-largest nuclear arsenal and a massive ballistic missile depot, Russia already has more than enough military capabilities to repel its enemies.

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