put your finger on the behavior of the population: cook and lie


Skuodas District Mayor Petras Pušinskas admitted that his municipality is leading badly. Here, up to 584 cases were detected per 100,000 in 14 days. population. According to the mayor, there are no major outbreaks of the virus in the area, but the situation is exacerbated by the fact that even sick people refuse to help discover the path of the virus.

“There are no outbreaks in our area. The most common illnesses occur in families where a person becomes ill and infects their loved ones.

Unfortunately, there are cases where people with COVID-19 are intentionally hiding from those they have been in contact with. In our area it is usually hidden. People say they did not go anywhere, they did not communicate with anyone and the disease is registered, “said P. Pušinskas.

He added that only human consciousness can help overcome the fight against the virus. According to the mayor, this is not the case when a person is isolated. Their violations are rarely detected.

P. Pušinskas said that 11 residents of Skuodas District Municipality are being treated for COVID-19 in Klaipėda hospitals. “I was wondering if they had been vaccinated, which informed me that none of those 11 patients had been vaccinated,” the mayor of Skuodas district shared the hospital data.

Reluctantly, he welcomed vaccination to the area. Vaccines on the market on Saturdays without prior registration and campaigns organized by the National Blood Center also help.

However, P. Pušinskas added that the results are still not satisfactory. Almost 40% are fully vaccinated. Skuodas district municipality residents.

The incidence has doubled

“The epidemiological situation in the Klaipėda region remains difficult. In practically all municipalities, morbidity rates exceed the national average, ”said Raminta Mitkuvienė, Head of the Infectious Disease Management Division of the Klaipėda National Public Health Center (NVSC), on the Aktualusis Interiu news program.

He noted that morbidity in Klaipeda has doubled in two weeks since the end of July.

According to the latest data, there have been 24 active outbreaks of the disease in Klaipėda County. 4 outbreaks were registered in personal health institutions, 1 in an educational institution.

However, according to the expert, the efficiency of virus outbreak detection has also been improved by the obligation to carry out regular tests.

“We have noticed an increase in outbreaks in catering establishments since the end of July. This could be attributed to the fact that as of July 26. the decision that those who work in the catering sector in retail should be regularly tested for COVID-19.

It is natural that the number of cases in which the disease is diagnosed in the employees of these fields increases ”, explained R. Mitkuvienė.

According to her, the main reason for the increase in morbidity is the spread of the delta variety. This variant of the virus is more contagious. Even 90-95 percent. cases of infection are associated with this strain. R.Mitkuvienė noted that the virus’ route of spread was facilitated by low vaccination rates in the region.

“A significant part of the population is not vaccinated and is therefore susceptible to the spread of infection. Approximately 46% of the people in Klaipeda have been vaccinated. Population. The situation is similar in other municipalities in the county . I could only highlight Neringa, where 94 percent were vaccinated. Population and the city of Palanga – 60 percent. Is vaccinated, “said R. Mitkuvienė.

He added that the best way to stop the spread of the virus would be to help everyone understand personally that the epidemiological situation will also depend on their behavior. Therefore, people must take advantage of scientific advances – vaccines and, in cases of disease, agree to cooperate with epidemiologists.
