Purauskytė criticized the vaccinated members of the Seimas: granted privileges


E. Purauskytė, who participated in the “Are you serious?” Program, stated that the most important government officials should be vaccinated and they did, but did not support the vaccination of the members of the Seimas. “All the Seimas – sorry. Why? Even in the UK where vaccination is really on a larger scale, there are cross sections of age and disease, nobody gets vaccinated just because it’s closer to the canal. I have a feeling that the Seimas went back through the hole of the needle, granted itself once more its privileges and was once again more equal than equal ”, stated E. Purauskytė.

The organizer of the event stated that the members of the Seimas advertise what is impossible or impossible to buy, even for a very expensive one. “They are advertised as Lamborghini. A type of privileges that the vast majority cannot even obtain. I do not understand what is happening, the guest of the program was upset.” Several hundred skeptical people suffer other healthy people, who want those vaccines and they are deprived of the vaccines the Seimas trusts least. “

When asked what she would have offered to be vaccinated instead of the Seimas members, she answered without hesitation: “That exemplary vaccination is not really necessary.”

According to E. Purauskytė, vaccinating one or another person just to publicize it will not be good, because in any case there would be discussions. “The most prominent people in the country, who are also symbols, it’s good that they did it, but there shouldn’t be more. It is better to encourage them so that those who have been vaccinated can end up in certain places ”, said E. Purauskytė and considered that two people who already have vaccines could be admitted to the theater or church for worship, and one could be encouraged. to vaccinate. or another group of people with relevant invitations, discounts and the like.

The organizer of the event stated repeatedly during the program that the government lacks more than good communication specialists. According to her, professional vaccination consultation would also be of great help.

At the end of the show, the event organizer E. Purauskytė added that, in fact, everyone is very tired of the quarantine and hopes that soon everyone will be able to attend the events. “The business situation in my environment is such that entrepreneurs are concerned about the survival of their employees, their teams, their people and the companies themselves. The state is long behind with support. And basically there is a wrong communication. It is about the need to help companies, but we forget that companies create jobs and need to help people who work, said E. Purauskytė. “There is anxiety and resentment in my environment, among the organizers of the event.”

E. Purauskytė herself did not hide her disappointment: “I was happy and applauded when I elected those I voted for, but now I am really very disappointed that so many months have passed and my activities have been suspended and closed.”

You can find the full conversation here and watch the show on Delfi TV on Fridays at 9pm

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