Provides a true “pump” of energy to those who complain of fatigue – we underestimate this plant


“This flower is very common in Lithuania and when we have so much, we do not appreciate how good it is. Dandelion is the sixth best herb in the world, because it has everything useful in itself, it treats many diseases and provides energy, each part it does something different or something very miraculous, ”Nijolė Degutienė, book author and health expert.

According to her, dandelions should be found in meadows near forests and they do not like very humid places, but semi-humid ones.

“If you have a forest lawn with dandelions very well, and now they flourish more in the street (…) and collect all kinds of heavy metals from the environment, various nonsense from the machines, then we try to collect them only in the forests , “said the health expert.

According to N. Degutienė, this year it is too late to collect dandelion roots, because they are extracted before flowering, somewhere before April 10.

“They are also dug after flowering, already after vegetation, only in November. The roots then have the most useful substances. The milk buds start now and they are a very good food, it is possible to pickle the milk buds themselves.

Like everything else, we add the marinade and close: a little sugar, a little salt, a little vinegar, spices, we pour and we have a special additive for food. I started doing this recently and I am very happy. “

Offers a true

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The health expert assured that the leaves can be eaten throughout the season, from now until last fall. She disagreed with those who said they were bitter.

“They are completely not bitter, only the usual is bitter. I have never peeled them, why scald them if they contain both enzymes and vitamins (…), make them healthy and do absolutely nothing, I don’t feel any bitterness. You can eat pure, none of that, if you pour lemon, oil and it is tolerably delicious. “

N. Degutienė also said that as soon as the milks bloom more vigorously, they collect the flowers themselves and cool them.

“I refrigerate to have greetings, I put them in bags and when I do something nice, I add milk rings. For making a drink and for all the famous milk wines. It does not matter that it is a wine with milk, but it is the most beneficial of all drinks with a little alcohol. (…) Drinking two milliliters of wine with milk dilates the blood vessels, provides energy (…) and becomes capable of working ”.

A health expert said that dandelions have 2.8 times more carotene. One from which the body makes vitamin A.

“Then it has the following basic trace elements: potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. It also has pectins that cleanse the body. Milk cleanses the blood of the body in general and because it contains inulin. (…) It cleanses to such an extent that even acne disappears from the faces of those who have many and enormous ones ”.

According to N. Degutienė, dandelion is an herb that has no side effects, but this does not mean that it can be eaten in moderation.

“If you multiply the vitamin A, there may be an attack on the liver. You still need to eat and drink as much tea as you need during the day. It cannot be quadrupled or quintupled, but if you add a “mountain” to your salad or drink tea, nothing will happen, “he assured her.
