Protests and clashes broke out in Philadelphia after police shot Negro


The police department warned on Twitter that a “large crowd”, some 1,000 people, had been looted in the area of ​​Kastoro and Aramingo streets. Officials advised people to “avoid the area.”

Footage from a media helicopter appears to show people hacking and robbing Foot Locker and other businesses.

A reporter for the AFP news agency elsewhere in the west of the city, where another crowd of about 1,000 had gathered, saw police armed with rubber sticks clash with several dozen protesters.

Pennsylvania Governor Thomas Wolf’s office announced that several hundred National Guard soldiers were deployed to the city, “to defend the right to peaceful elections and protest while ensuring the safety of the people.”

A White House report released early Wednesday said they were “ready to use all federal resources to end the unrest, if necessary.”

New riots broke out the next day after two police officers shot 27-year-old Walter Wallace on Monday afternoon, who said his family had mental health problems. This is another incident that has angered the United States when a black man was killed by police action.

Hundreds of protesters took to the streets of Philadelphia Monday night, backed by riot police with shields and rubber batons.

“There’s a lot of confusion as to why,” police told the young man, 25-year-old artist Ezra Alidow on Tuesday.

“It is happening all over the United States. It’s scary, ”he said. “These policemen were not trained.”

On the first night of rioting in the city, more than 90 people were arrested and 30 policemen were injured during the sporadic riots and looting; a truck that collided with one of them broke his leg.

“Tonight today, we expect more incidents of civil unrest,” Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw told reporters.

“We will take more measures to guarantee order,” he said, adding that these measures would include an increase in police forces in key locations and the deployment of an anti-theft team.

In May, when African American George Floyd died in Minnesota and was pressured by a policeman on the road, a wave of protests and riots broke out in the United States.

Many protesters accuse the police of racism and brutality, but Republican President Donald Trump has used the riots to highlight his position as a “law and order” candidate in the election campaign against Democratic candidate Joe Biden.

Biden and his elected vice candidate, Kamala Harris, released a statement saying they were deeply saddened by Wallace’s family.

But they also called on the protesters to protest peacefully.

“Anger of any magnitude at very real injustices in our society does not justify violence,” Biden and Harris said. – Theft is not a protest; it’s a crime. It diverts attention from the true tragedy of a broken life. “

Local media reported that the two policemen on Monday around 4pm local (10pm Lithuania) shot W. Wallace in time for refusing to throw a knife when his mother tried to stop him.

According to US media, images filmed by phone during the incident show that Wallace pushed his mother and started walking towards the police.

“Help the knife,” one of the officers yelled. When officers start shooting, the camera on the phone on which the video was filmed is diverted elsewhere.

“Go to”

Wallace’s father, also named Walter Wallace, said his son had likely been shot 10 times, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported.

“Why didn’t they use the Taser?” The father asked, mentioning the stun gun. “I had mental problems. Why should they shoot him? ”She said, adding that her son was taking medication.

Philadelphia Police Commissioner Outlaw launched an investigation and said the video “raises a lot of questions.”

“While I was at the scene, I heard and felt the anger of the community,” he said in a statement. – All the people involved are permanently affected. I will rely on what the study collects to answer many of the unanswered questions. “

Wallace was shot a week after a 19-year-old officer, Marcellis Stinnette black, was shot dead by an officer in Vokigan, north of Chicago, Illinois, when he began shooting at his car.

Stinnette’s 20-year-old girl, Tafara Williams, was injured in the incident.

“When will it end, America? asked Ben Crump, a civil rights attorney, at a news conference Tuesday. “How many more blacks have to die because of police brutality, excessive force, prejudice, systemic racism, willful indifference?”
