Protesters gathered behind closed doors of bars and cafes demanded faster government support: we can’t wait any longer | Deal


“Time is critical for us, if at first we thought it was going to last one or two months, now we see that at least three, and in our case probably four, it is a situation where resources are running out and we are close to closing, “the peaceful protest 15 minutes said Saulius Galdikas, owner of the Piano Man and Gringo bars.

He himself describes the demonstration as a more supportive action to remember the difficult situation of catering establishments.

“On the other hand, we want those decisions to be implemented not only on paper, but in reality, in life. If they are not implemented, perhaps the next solution will be something more cardinal, ”he said.

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Peaceful protest #Waiting

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Peaceful protest #Waiting

To the demonstration on Saturday at 2 pm Employees of the catering establishments and the residents who support them gathered in 14 cities, from Vilnius to Šilutė.

The organizers, the Lithuanian Association of Bars and Cafes and the Vilnius Night Alliance, indicated that a total of 114 institutions had registered to participate. About 10-15 people planned to meet at each of them.

This is also the situation where resources are dwindling and we are approaching closure.

It is estimated that a total of approximately 1,500 people participated in the peaceful protest throughout Lithuania.

Requires faster support

One of the organizers is the president of Vilnius Night Alliance Markas Adam Harold 15 minutes He said the 15-minute demonstration required the government to transfer the first support package to catering establishments as soon as possible, some of which had not yet received funding.

Campaign participants called for the second approved support package, which was “necessary yesterday”, to be launched as soon as possible.

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Peaceful protest #Waiting

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Peaceful protest #Waiting

He also called for planning to start now with the third support package, which would be required in April without the possibility of opening.

“And there was a lot of bureaucracy in the first wave. Now the first package is stuck due to bureaucracy, the second package has just been approved. The ministry has warned us that it will also take time due to bureaucracy.

Packages are so late that they will practically cover only past debts and there is nothing for the future. If we cannot continue to act, we will need a third package in the future. ” 15 minutes MAHarold spoke.

Employees in bars, restaurants and nightclubs are outraged that the restrictions were introduced so quickly, but the provision of support is stagnant.

“The government is shouting that it worked all weekend to establish restrictions, and why can’t it work all weekend to implement the support program? – asked rhetorically the organizer of the protest campaign.

– We have cruelly incorrect. We are waiting for financial assistance for four months from the start of the quarantine. That is just wrong, so we are talking about constitutional rights to compensation. “

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Peaceful protest #Waiting

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Peaceful protest #Waiting

Some catering establishments have not received support so far.

For example, S. Galdikas, when asked about the support of the first business support package, said that his bars did not have the funds.

“I know colleagues who have arrived, because we have several bars, we are related companies and we have different requirements that probably apply to us, he always promises to arrive and I hope that one day we will arrive,” he did not hide his disappointment.

VIDEO: Campaign in closed bars, cafe doors: employees demand that the government provide business support more quickly

Fear that owners won’t wait any longer

The owners of catering services regretted that support for rent compensation had been withdrawn, although rental costs accounted for the largest share of costs in this sector.

It is noted that any day homeowners could terminate contracts and impose heavy penalties for insolvency, which would require a: bankruptcy: “We would lose everything we have been building for so long.”

We are waiting for financial assistance for four months from the start of the quarantine. This is simply wrong.

According to S. Galdikas, the bars are still not going bankrupt only because of the connectivity of the landlords, which still allow them to keep the premises empty. However, it is unknown how long they will be able to keep them.

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Peaceful protest #Waiting

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Peaceful protest #Waiting

“I remind you that in one year, starting in April, we will be closed for seven months. Trust me, landlords who have tenants who can’t even work for seven months is probably not a dream.

Of course, we are talking, we are looking for and finding many solutions with the owners, but of course everything costs money, everything is based on finances and we are eager for the implementation of the promised support, “he said.

The organizers of the peaceful protest said that support was needed not tomorrow, but now, because it is no longer possible to wait any longer.

“Our employees are inactive for a long time and receive low income. Freelancers, who are an important part of our lives, are simply no longer employed and receive ridiculously low compensation.

They live in uncertainty as to whether their employers will survive this crisis. Teams that have worked together for many years are in danger of dissolving, ”explained the organizers of the reasons for the organized protest.

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Peaceful protest #Waiting

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Peaceful protest #Waiting

Will open soon

According to the quarantine mitigation plan drawn up by the government, catering establishments are unlikely to open soon.

February 10 in the approved plan, as before, scenarios D, C, B, and A were highlighted based on morbidity and, in turn, each was divided into even smaller groups.

Under this plan, the activities of the outdoor cafes will be allowed to resume when Lithuania reaches scenario B, when 50-100 new cases of coronavirus will be recorded in the country in 100,000 cases. population within 14 days, and will settle at less than 4%. positive tests.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Outdoor cafes

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Outdoor cafes

According to data released by the Statistics Department on Saturday, 239 illnesses per 100,000 cases are currently registered in Lithuania. population in 14 days.

Visitors are promised to be allowed inside visitors only after scenario A, when fewer than 25 cases per 100,000 will be detected. population, and less than 4% positive tests.

According to the president of the Vilnius Night Alliance, the participants of the peaceful protest campaign are not now seeking permission to open catering establishments. They require financial support to survive.

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Peaceful protest #Waiting

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Peaceful protest #Waiting

“Today we talk about the need for compensation under the Constitution (losses to 15 minutes) if we have suffered as a result of the implementation of public health measures, ”said MAHarold.

The media is stuck

The long-awaited € 150 million startup support package was long overdue. The distribution of grants for small and medium-sized companies began on January 20.

Although the money was promised to be distributed in two weeks, the money distribution stalled. Currently, of the 150 million planned. euros are distributed to distribute 26 million euros.

Rūta Giedrienė, Senior Advisor to the Department for Selection and Audit Support of the State Tax Inspectorate (STI) 15 minutes set that not all companies fill out the documents correctly.

According to R. Giedrienė, the payment of the subsidy may also depend on the company’s own behavior, for example, for how long it will provide additional information, if requested by the tax administrator and when the company will submit a 2019 financial report to the Center for record.

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Peaceful protest #Waiting

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Peaceful protest #Waiting

The benefits of the second business support package are for businesses whose income fell by more than 60 percent., support solutions for marketplaces and individual workers will also be presented.

The Minister of Economy and Innovation, Aušrinė Armonaitė, said that this support will be available to companies operating in the catering sector, tourism, sports clubs, cinemas and the like. In other words, those companies that “can’t operate right now and really need help.”

It will be distributed until June 30, 2021.

Make every effort

The Vice Minister of Economy and Innovation, Vincas Jurgutis, told BNS that this Thursday, at a meeting attended by representatives of the State Tax Inspection and the Ministry of Social Security and Labor, business-related issues were discussed, such as tax deferrals and downtime.

Jurgutis said he understood the sector’s fears, but emphasized that the ministry was doing its best to provide assistance.

VIDEO: Vice Minister V. Jurgutis: We cannot open businesses too early for human health, but we cannot open them too late, for business health

Later, after the demonstration, the spokesperson for the Minister of Economy and Innovation Skaistė Barauskienė presented the comment of the Ministry:

“Currently, 29 million have already been distributed to companies affected by the limitations caused by COVID-19. euro of state aid. Companies in the catering sector are among the most targeted, with 1,247 companies receiving 3.7 million euros. subsidies in euros “, says the response of the Ministry.

It is noted that until now, aid applications could only be completed by autonomous companies, and from the middle of next week The STI will also be able to do this for related companies – “this is relevant for bars, as most of them have multiple owners. This means that even more catering companies will receive state aid in the near future. “

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Peaceful protest #Waiting

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Peaceful protest #Waiting

It is also written that the second package of business grants is currently being coordinated with the European Commission, which will allow the most affected companies, including bars, cafes, restaurants, to distribute 70 million. euro of state aid.

“We hope this will help the hardest hit companies cover the costs of rent, utilities and other fixed costs. In total, the Ministry of Economy and Innovation will allocate a solid 330 million to the quarantined business. “, says the ministry.
