Prostitute revealed behind the scenes of business: earns 30 thousand a month. services have doubled in price


Comparing the situation with 2020, we can see a significant increase in prices for the satisfaction of sexual passion: 1 hour. from 100 to 200 euros. Last year, the average price ranged from € 50 to € 100, according to the Vilnius County Police press release.

Despite the announced quarantine on the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, the “hands” continue their active activities.

On the website, the police in the capital found spicy advertisements in which the women indicated the list and prices of their services.

After the call, the calls are usually processed in an automated way, a short SMS message is sent to the customer, with a list of services provided and rates. If the offer satisfies the customer, he must confirm the arrival by means of a short message and an arrival time is reserved for him, which does not have to wait long.

Vilnius aps.  VPK Photo / Police raid on prostitutes

Vilnius aps. VPK Photo / Police raid on prostitutes

Officials are under the impression that the automation of services is causing an increase in the price of intimate services.

Officials identified up to four women offering intimate services during the day.

It is also interesting that a woman got stuck even 2 times a day. Upon entering the home of a woman who provided intimate services, the police officers were surprised by the luxurious interior of the apartment.

After asking the woman how much she earned from this activity, the latter revealed that although she had to leave her massage and beauty center and take it home, completing it with salty services.

His monthly income is up to 30,000 euros. In the communication, the woman was very empathetic with her “work” role, so she did not bother at all with the second visit to her house by police officers, with whom she even flirted, since she was always in a good mood and the amount of the fine that was imposed.

The woman was even happy to have received the fines, since this would facilitate the justification of her income before the tax authorities.

It is not just that a client who wants to experience the pleasure of an hour must pay 100 euros, and some of the most veteran professionals ask to fulfill the wish to come with a bottle of sparkling wine and intimate protection.

Women in prostitution are not interested in whether or not the client wears a mask that covers the nose and mouth, nor do they require it, they do not care at all what the health status of the client is.

During the preventive measure, women who provide prostitution services in exchange for remuneration were declared administratively responsible not only for prostitution, the use of prostitution services in exchange for remuneration (article 487 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic Lithuania), for which a fine of 90 euros is imposed to 300 euros. Failure to comply with the conditions of the quarantine announced on the territory of the Republic of Lithuania (article 45 (4) of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Lithuania), for which administrative fines of 500 to 1500 euros are threatened.

VIDEO: Expensive intimate services don’t deter clients
