Proposal by P. Gražulis and V. Valkiūnas on the migration crisis: to revoke the resolution adopted by the Seimas of the previous legislature –


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Petras Gražulis. Photo by Irmantas Sidarevičius.

Parliamentarians have registered a draft resolution proposing this.

It stipulates that the Seimas should propose to the Government that it immediately oblige the Minister of the Interior Agnė Bilotaitė to revoke the signature of the former Minister of the Interior Eimutis Misiūnas at the United Nations General Assembly in Marrakech in 2018. December 10 Global Compact on Migration and the immediate introduction of criminal liability for illegal border crossings.

The authors of the draft resolution affirm that by adopting the resolution “On the United Nations Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration”, the Seimas, on behalf of the Lithuanian State, blessed the controversial Global Compact on Migration without a translation Lithuanian of the pact.

“Minister of the Interior of Lithuania, Eimutis Misiūnas, on behalf of the Government at the United Nations General Assembly in Marrakech in 2018. December 10 signed the Pact on the basis of the aforementioned Seimas resolution,” says the draft resolution .

It says that this is 2018 December 4 The Seimas resolution and the aforementioned Pact signed by the Government based on it “does not allow the application of criminal responsibility against economic migrants who pose as war refugees for illegally crossing the border ”.

The members of Seimas Petras Gražulis and Valdemaras Valkiūnas regret that on Thursday the President of Lithuania, Gitanas Nausėda, did not discuss this initiative with the leaders of the political parties.

“The Global Compact on Migration prevents economic migrants posing as war refugees from being processed through illegal border crossings and forces acceptance by everyone, including economic refugees, without reservations or exceptions. Therefore, the most countries Affected by economic refugees – Hungary, Australia, Israel, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Latvia and Italy – have refused to sign the Pact. As usual, the Lithuanian Seimas has knelt to convince the powerful of the world, completely ignoring the interests of its inhabitants ”, say the authors of the project, the members of the Seimas P. Gražulis and V. Valkiūnas.

They point out that in 2018 all the factions of the then Seimas, who voted for the resolution on migration, “probably did not fully understand what they were doing, because in a rush to convince the majority of the United Nations states, they did not even have a translation. to the Lithuanian of this Pact “.

Members of Seimas Petras Gražulis and Valdemaras Valkiūnas say they propose that Lithuania urgently withdraw from the United Nations Migration Pact, “because it forces the unconditional admission of any immigrant.”
