Program analysis: proposes a change in taxes in every way, a new ministry to cancel debts after giving birth to a child


For example, members of the Freedom and Justice Party, founded this year, would like to establish a Ministry of the Future, which would be responsible for the development of the knowledge economy, science, technology, telecommunications and related innovations. A new ministry would emerge without increasing the number of existing ministries.

The Union of Intergenerational Solidarity-Union, led by philosopher Arvydas Juozaitis, offers Lithuania to offer interest-free home loans to families, reducing debt for each child born.

The Christian Union, led by the deputy of the Seimas Rimantas Jonas Dagis, founded in March, is in favor of pensions reaching half the average salary, that is, about 440 euros.

Lithuania’s Green Party promises even more, aiming for pensions to be at least lower than the monthly minimum wage, which would be 1,000. euros. Consequently, the average monthly salary, according to them, should amount to 2,000. euros.

1000 EUR MMA and 2 thousand. The Vytautas Magnus University also wants the Lithuanian Social Democratic Labor Party Gediminas Kirkilas. If you also say that the child’s money after 4 years would be 150 euros, now it is 60 euros.

Will change rates

The Path of Courage, the National Union of the Philosopher Vytautas Radžvilas, the party nationalists of the Naglis Puteikis Center, the Lithuania of former basketball player Tomas Pačės – the Union of Cohesion-Solidarity of All Generations for Lithuania promise greater fiscal progressivity.

At that time, the Freedom Party, which was participating in the Seimas elections for the first time, was talking about tax cuts. They propose to reduce the personal income tax to 15 percent. (now 20%).

The Liberal Movement of the Republic of Lithuania would also like to reduce taxes. They promise to reduce the personal income tax to 15% and the value added tax for basic food products to 5% in 4 years.

Another proposal of the Liberal Movement is to equalize the tax-free income with the MMA, so that those who earn the least income tax pay nothing.

Freedom and Justice proposes a long-term tax policy for freelancers, different VAT rates for different products and services, such as a lower VAT rate for healthy products and a higher VAT rate for unhealthy products.

The Lithuanian Green Party also offers tax breaks for organic products. The party also proposes to apply a VAT rate of 0 to power plants, 9 percent. VAT rate for hybrid cars and the same for green products, phasing out of incentives for labeled agricultural diesel, creation of a new small and medium business, creation of a state program to obtain soft loans and exemption from income tax for owners of companies establishing their first business within the first 3 years, to promote science-intensive business forms.

The Union of Intergenerational Solidarity-Cohesion for Lithuania speaks of a lower VAT for basic goods. They would also like to tax capital more.

LSDDP and the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party offer 9 percent for food products. VAT.

According to Gintautas Paluckas, taxes that do not stop the economy, such as the property tax, should be increased in parallel. According to him, it is proposed to increase the tax on corporate income, leaving profits for reinvested earnings and profit sharing with employees.

Lithuania’s Polish Election Campaign: The Union of Christian Families does not intend to forget about the taxation of bank assets and the turnover of shopping centers. According to Zbignev Jedinski, a member of Seimas, the leader of the party’s candidate list, imposing taxes on the banks would only add about 100 million euros to the budget.

The V. Rajžvilas National Association also talks about real estate, commercial land, banks, shopping centers, dividends and other taxes.

Among other LLRA-KŠS offers, up to 1 percent. lower GPM for those who win MMA.

Focus on small business

The Freedom Party offers 3 percent. Gross domestic product for research. At that time, the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party, which split in 2017, would like the share of GDP allocated to culture to increase to 2% in the next 4 years.

The LSDDP aims to increase the redistribution of GDP through the budget to 35%.

The Freedom Party program promises benefits for startups and innovative companies. It is said to support job creators, promising to exempt startups for 2 years, support startups and businesses of up to 10 people, and slash red tape. The goal of the match is for Lithuania to rank first in the World Bank’s Business Environment Doing Business rating (the country is currently 11th).

Aušrinė Armonaitė’s party argues that the development of a circular economy is necessary to avoid the environmental impact of raw material production, and that a policy is needed that promotes agricultural development through a commitment to public goods and services. ecosystems to reduce the environmental impact of agriculture.

The Road to Courage also wants to support small and medium start-ups. This party proposes to partially finance the creation of new jobs, as well as to help obtain loans for the purchase of equipment, to promote the purchase of Lithuanian products, by providing in public procurement laws that those who sell their products created in Lithuania are announced as winners.

The Lithuanian Christian Democrats and National Union say it is important to reorient the economy so that it creates greater added value.

The two-year opposition party also said it was important to promote a green course by investing in solutions that would enable the industry to produce cleaner products. Conservatives are also proposing a national agreement on forest policy that balances economic benefits and environmental protection.

TS-LKD advocates for changes in immigration policy designed to attract talent and win back emigrants. “We will improve the conditions for small and medium-sized enterprises, we will implement the principles of social responsibility,” promise the Conservatives.

The Labor Party identifies economic growth, better conditions for Lithuanian producers and support for small businesses and family businesses as its priorities.

According to party leader Viktoras Uspaskich, Lithuania still cannot make a living from high technology, so “it is necessary to have basic areas where people can work and earn money.” In pursuit of these goals, the “workers” promise an increase in the income of the population, as well as the position that “social policy should be motivating, not encouraging to wait for handouts.”

Talk about ecology

The Lithuanian Green and Peasant Union talks about the continuity of work in its program. Ramūnas Karbauskis, leader of the party, emphasizes that during his tenure pensions, salaries, benefits, allowances were increased, and the State Treasury managed to accumulate a reserve, which helped in the wake of the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus.

The LVŽS electoral program is based on the documents prepared by the Government: the National Progress Plan for 2021-2030, the Future DNA Plan of Lithuania and the National Action Plan for Energy and Climate.

The party still sets the goal of achieving a 9% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in Lithuania by 2030, it intends to reduce energy intensity by at least one and a half times and 45%. increase the share of renewable energy sources in total energy.

Traditionally, LVŽS has advocated for reducing the availability of alcohol and drugs.

The National Association teaches that Lithuania should allocate the funds received by the European Union for rural development to regions, towns, small and medium-sized enterprises and family farms.

The program of the Liberal Movement contains statements about the maximum state restriction to competition with companies. Therefore, the liberals promise to lift some of the restrictions imposed by the ruling “peasants”.

His program also includes the goal of making Lithuania a leader on the Green Course. According to the party, this European Commission program is a unique opportunity for Lithuania to become a country of sustainable use of resources and take advantage of European funding opportunities.

Libertad y Justicia, meanwhile, speak of tax inspectors becoming accountants for small and medium-sized companies, so that they can calculate the taxes of those entrepreneurs.

According to one of the party’s leaders, Artūras Zuokas, the state should refuse to buy goods and services from suppliers who pay their employees a minimum wage. In the event of a worker shortage, employers are encouraged to keep people of retirement age in the market, allowing the employer to pay only 10 percent for the retiree. social security tax. There is a call to abandon the age limit to work in public service.

Freedom and justice also promise those 500 million. It will invest in the development of public housing, complete the renovation of apartment buildings and the paving of gravel roads.

Christian Union says it will establish a state-owned commercial bank, which will support medium-sized and family businesses.

“The balance of social solidarity is now upset and the burden falls on the low-income. We are not a party of universal equality, but the balance in society must be such that we must first focus on the person and not on the pursuit of earnings, ”says RJ Dagys.

The Lithuanian Green Party wants to promote green energy, reduce all kinds of pollution and preserve ecosystems.

The Greens offer Lithuania to be ambitious, to become independent from fossil fuels and to create a closed-loop circular economy. Her goal is for the country to move away from oil, gas, coal, and renewable energy sources by 2040: solar, wind, underground, etc.

Another proposal is to create green investment funds so that the population can invest in pensions or other investment funds, with which they can pay for the renewable energy production processes.

Union of Cohesion and Intergenerational Solidarity Lithuania wants to increase taxes on capital. They also state that pensions for full-time employees must reach 60%. average salary.

The program of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party includes the idea of ​​consolidating the commercial agencies operating in Lithuania into two: investment and innovation agencies, thus reducing bureaucracy.

The Lithuanian People’s Party stands out for offering to buy electricity from the Astrava nuclear power plant. According to them, this is the only way to ensure that it works safely.

This year’s Seimas elections will be held on October 11 and the second round is scheduled for October 25.

The post was based on publicly available party programs and statements made by politicians during press conferences held at the BNS news agency.

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