Profitable second-hand clothing business: 150 thousand were captured. company without income


The company, which is in the limelight of officials, is engaged in the wholesale and retail trade of used clothing, and has physical stores in Plungė, Tauragė and Gargždai. Previously, there were stores in two more cities: Šilutė and Raseiniai. It is suspected that in the past two years the company may not have accounted for the proceeds of the sale, which amounts to more than 150,000. euros

During the pre-trial investigation, it was clarified that the company had an envelope system. The wages that were not recorded anywhere were paid to the people employed by the company, which add up to more than 20. It is estimated that the amount of the wages paid unofficially can reach more than 40 thousand. euros

According to the investigation, the company is suspected of hiding more than 50,000. euro to the tax status.

In cooperation with the State Tax Inspectorate (ITS), 10 searches were carried out in various places related to the company, during which almost 10,000 items were found in 4 stores. Euro in cash. This is suspected to be an unaccounted weekly income.

Currently, allegations of fraudulent accounting and incorrect reporting of income data have been made to the head of the company, as well as the disposition of personal and company property has been restricted, and return measures have been imposed .

The pre-trial investigation is directed and controlled by the Klaipeda Regional Prosecutor’s Office.

Failure to provide incorrect income data to a state authority that exceeds 750 MSL is punishable by a maximum prison sentence of up to eight years. The most severe penalty for handling fraudulent accounting is imprisonment of up to four years.

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