Professors from the VU, including relatives of known politicians, who have not been hired by the Žalgiris Clinic, have been vaccinated against COVID-19


Before answering the questions, the clinic management turned to Vytautas Dumbliauskas, a long-time client of the clinic, a professor at Mykolas Romeris University. He told a BNS reporter that the clinic’s management “doesn’t want that article, people don’t want these scandals.”

The director of the institution explained that the vaccinated doctors have come to work at the institution since February 1 and were on the reserve list of people to be vaccinated.

Her deputy stated that she had not spoken to V. Dumbliauskas about the article that was being prepared and had not asked anyone to call her.

Vaccinated because the vaccine was enough

Vytautė Pečiulienė, director of the Žalgiris Clinic, told BNS that the eight vaccinated teachers will contribute to the institution’s work from February 1 and work with patients and students.

It confirmed that Laura Linkevičienė, daughter of Juozas Olekas, a European MP, and her husband Tomas Linkevičius, who works in a private dental clinic, as well as Vytenis Almonaitis, who also has a private practice at the Žalgiris Clinic, and a retired former director of the Institute of Odontology,

Yes, we have nothing to hide. We have already prepared the contracts of these people to sign from February 1, – said V. Pečiulienė.

“It just came to our attention then. We have already prepared the contracts for these people to sign from February 1 (…) Since this vaccine was received, there will be a booster shot on the 27th,” said V. Pečiulienė .

“These are our teachers who come to clinical work since February 1. (…) That person comes to a particularly high-risk area to work with patients who do not undergo PCR (COVID-19 tests – BNS), ”said the head of the clinic.

In accordance with the vaccination priority procedure approved by Health Minister Arūnas Dulkis, currently employees of medical institutions and students who provide personal inpatient health care services to COVID-19 patients must be vaccinated first.

V.Pečiulienė stated that these people were included in the vaccination lists as a reserve and that if the clinic had run out of doses, they would not have been vaccinated.

“First there was an admission department (vaccinated – BNS), then the Department of Resuscitation and Intensive Care, then the first Department of Facial and Maxillofacial Surgery, then the second, then the polyclinic staff, followed by the administration and the institute” .

Josvydas Elinskas / 15min photo / VUL Žalgiris Clinic

Josvydas Elinskas / 15min photo / VUL Žalgiris Clinic

According to her, about 25-30 percent. workers refused to be vaccinated, 25 people are sick and are not vaccinated as a result.

Vaccine are also the founders of the institution.

The head of the clinic stated that the Santara clinics, whose staff came to be vaccinated by colleagues from the Žalgiris clinic, indicated the need for 210 doses of the vaccine, as the remaining staff were ill and immunized or refused the vaccine.

206 workers were vaccinated. The clinic employs a total of about 300 people.

L. Linkevičienė also confirmed that she had received the BNS vaccine, said that she was an employee of the Žalgiris Clinic. At the time, her husband T. Linkevičius and his colleague V. Almonaitis said they would not talk about vaccines.

According to the director of the clinic, the professors are temporarily hired according to the usual procedure, since the VU Institute of Dentistry is the clinical base of the institution.

V. Pečiulienė herself said that she too had been vaccinated.

Professor I. Balčiūnienė, who is now retired, considered that she may have received the vaccine because she is one of the founders of the clinic.

“I am the founder of the Žalgiris Clinic and the Institute of Dentistry. I worked full time as a consultant, teacher for 50 years, probably because of that. And now I go to the Žalgiris clinic to consult the patients, I participate in the councils, ”the 79-year-old professor told BNS.

She said she doesn’t have staff in the office, but she is sometimes invited to speak at councils.

Management request through the patient

When the BNS became interested in the vaccination procedure at the Žalgiris Clinic, the head of the V.Pečiulienė clinic did not respond by mobile phone on Thursday.

However, a political scientist Vytautas Dumbliauskas called a BNS reporter shortly after asking questions of some vaccinated doctors who were working and not working at the clinic Thursday night.

The latter explained that he had found the journalist’s phone number through an acquaintance and said that the call was encouraged by the latter.

V. Dumbliauskas hinted that, like the BNS journalist, he is from Alytus, and Zita Urbonavičienė, deputy director of the Žalgiris Economics Clinic, who has known for her help since her youth, is also from Alytus.

The subject is “bloated”.

According to V. Dumbliauskas, the journalist will be able to decide what to write, but he explained that Z.Urbonavičienė informed him about the article that was being prepared and said that “people don’t want that article, people don’t want those scandals at all” and that the topic is “bloated”.

The political scientist told the journalist that he could not explain to him why the clinic management did not contact him directly and they told him that he would be given the deputy director’s mobile phone number if requested. The journalist did not receive a call from the deputy director.

Sorry for the call

On Friday, when asked by BNS for what purpose and why he called the news agency reporter at the request of the Žalgiris Clinic management, V. Dumbliauskas admitted that he had done so as a satisfied client of the clinic for a long time .

“As they asked me very kindly and I am grateful to those people, I called. But here, of course, unnecessarily … I admit there was nonsense here, “said V. Dumbliauskas on Friday.

When asked if he had tried to influence the journalist in this way, the political scientist denied: “No, well, what can I do, sir …”.

I admit there was nonsense here, said V. Dumbliauskas on Friday.

Asked how he himself evaluates the behavior of the clinic’s management when trying to reach journalists through a client of the clinic, the political scientist said that he also found it strange and did not like it.

He admitted that he had acted “foolishly” in this case, as well as unethically as a professor at M. Romer University.

“Humanly, I wanted to help with something, but I got, as they say, shit“, – summed up the political scientist.

Deputy Director: I didn’t ask for anything

Z.Urbonavičienė, deputy director of the Žalgiris Clinic, denied on Friday that she had asked a political scientist to contact a BNS journalist, although she admitted that she was looking for him as a “personal matter”.

He did not reveal what the journalist was looking for, but assured that it was not related to BNS’s interest in vaccines at the Žalgiris Clinic.

“I just wanted to speak in person. (….) No no no, he was not related to anyone. (…) I don’t have personal matters, but I wanted to talk, ”said Z. Urbonavičienė.

I have no personal business, but I wanted to talk, – said Z. Urbonavičienė.

“I really don’t know why (V. Dumbliauskas – BNS) called me. (…) No, I didn’t ask. Definitely not,” he added.

Currently, Z.Urbonavičienė said that he did not need to contact the BNS journalist he was looking for.

“(…) It was just a conversation with people, and how people interpreted and understood something, I can’t really answer. (…) I really don’t know if this is an article in preparation or something. We really don’t get it. It was just a general conversation about acquaintances, something like that ”, said one of the people in charge of the Žalgiris Clinic.

He considered that V. Dumbliauskas’s call could have taken place on his own initiative.

BNS asked SAM to comment on whether the vaccination procedure approved by the Minister was not violated during the vaccination of people who did not work at the Žalgiris Clinic.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Arūnas Dulkys

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Arūnas Dulkys

SAM will explain the situation at the Žalgiris Clinic of Vilnius University Hospital regarding vaccination with the COVID-19 vaccine.

“Taking into account the information published in the public sphere, the Minister pointed out that the COVID-19 vaccination priorities, established by order of the Minister, have been violated,” Aistė Šuksta, Advisor to the Minister, told BNS.

“Ministry specialists are tasked with collecting all public information about the possible rape at the Žalgiris clinic, as well as being asked to explain why the decision to vaccinate the media was made and provide other related information,” added.

Similar cases will not be tolerated in the future.

A.Dulkys also sends a message to physicians at other medical institutions: similar cases will not be tolerated in the future.

The minister wishes to draw attention to the fact that a state of emergency and quarantine has been declared in the country. Such and similar cases of COVID-19 vaccination, if they occur in the future in health facilities outside the Ministry, the emergency manager at the state level could, depending on the nature and extent of the violation, instruct the municipal administration to investigate the case and decide on recourse to the police. “Said the minister’s advisor.
