Professor Usonis proposes a new vaccination tactic: there are two ways and this one would certainly be faster


Professor V. Usonis emphasized that the current goal of the country is to create public immunity.

“We always want it to be sooner, faster, especially when it comes to disease control. As it is, presented today, it is already a good move. We are moving to a new stage: the objective of the vaccination strategy for risk groups is to ensure the entire vaccine supply system, prepare the system, establish vaccination points, vaccinate the highest risk groups.

Now we should formulate another goal for this: the creation of public immunity. We talk less about it. We hear that more, faster vaccines, but that’s the method. And we should talk about the goal we aspire to, “said V. Usonis.

He said the main goal now is to vaccinate between 60 and 70 percent of the population.

“To achieve this goal, universal vaccination is now available. The question is how it will be done. In theoretical terms, there are 2 ways to do it: vaccinate the whole society and wait until we are all vaccinated little by little, we will find opportunities to do it The other way is mixed. On the one hand, vaccinate people who have the opportunity to get vaccinated today and combine that with targeted vaccination of smaller teams. To achieve the same goal: the creation of herd immunity, “he said.

Teacher.  skilled.  Dr. Vytautas Usonis

Teacher. skilled. Dr. Vytautas Usonis

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

The professor said that extremely high herd immunity can be achieved in companies.

“The point is that we can achieve public immunity on a national scale, we can achieve that herd immunity very quickly on a small herd scale. For example, a small business with, say, 100 to 300 employees. They could be selectively vaccinated and that’s it. You can achieve a very high level of herd immunity of maybe even 90 percent or more on this team. And so we can create such a small island of safety, “suggested the professor.

He said that “the collective lives outside the moon”: they will contribute to the formation of the country’s collective immunity.

“At the same time, however, said team will be able to open up to their normal activities faster. Because their herd immunity can be achieved much faster,” explained the interlocutor of the program his proposal.

Staggered public vaccination

Staggered public vaccination

V. Usonis assured that the joint mobilization of state and business resources would bring the desired goal closer.

“To achieve such herd immunity, we can cooperate resources. Both the resources of the public health system and the business resources in organizing the vaccination process. In the end, it would allow to achieve the desired goal faster,” said V. Usonis.

According to the professor, vaccination rooms could be opened in larger companies, commercial representatives are ready to compile lists and conditions for vaccination in companies.

“It would be a step towards that high level of public immunity. And with such a high herd immunity in such a small group, it could more quickly open up to normal activities. So, step by step, creating another safe island, we return to a more life acceptable faster for us, ”explained V. Usonis on the radio news program“ Dienos ”.

Professor Usonis proposes a new vaccination tactic: there are two ways and this one would certainly be faster

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

He said that at some point, coronavirus vaccines could also be “bought” right now.

“It just came to our knowledge then. The strategy now is that the vaccines are distributed between countries, within them in a non-commercial way. Therefore, today it is impossible to buy the vaccine, that is the policy, the strategy, I think it is fine. But we can cooperate funds. If there is enough vaccine, but the infrastructure is lacking to vaccinate that vaccine faster, there would be an area for that cooperation.

By receiving the vaccine from state resources for free, but contribute at your own expense to the vaccination procedure for this vaccine. That path is known to be possible, “Professor V. Usonis said on Thursday’s” Question of the Day “radio news program.
