Professor Kasiulevičius assessed the situation in hospitals: it is necessary to drastically reduce the spread of the virus


Professor Vytautas Kasiulevičius spoke about this on his Facebook account on Sunday, calling for action without expecting anything.

“Why do we have to reduce the spread of the virus so boldly? To prevent the depletion of the health system. Many people in Lithuania are convinced that doctors and SAMs could ignore the spread of the virus and provide planned personal health care services “in stride”. This last thesis was actively used by politicians in the electoral campaign. The government did not pay or … did not want to defend itself. In the heat of the electoral campaign, SAM itself asked for an increase in planned aid, so why were the former rulers at that time not paying and unwilling to defend themselves?

Covid-19 situation

Because defense is based on the simplest paradigm, the health care system is not a bastion, but a house of cards defended not by a well-coordinated defense, but by chaotically opposed enthusiasts, heroes.

Each virus attack does not destroy the external fortifications, but instead tears the bricks from the base. The information we constantly receive about thousands of empty beds is worthless when it is known that those thousands of beds are cared for by at-risk doctors who are easily infected and sick and ill for a long time. Doctors who have heard for the first time in their lives what infection control is. Or desperately throw the newcomers into battle: medical residents who perceive themselves as part of clear rules, legitimately demanding what we, “a long time ago”, could not offer them in any way. , because my generation also received a similar offer from high-level colleagues. Yes, in that war new doctors are born, covering everyone’s “buttocks”. Professor Ligita Jančorienė wrote a beautiful letter to residents who came to “war” this month. She herself is constantly on the front line. A true example of devotion.

The problem is that a hospital in several hundred places turns to nothing after the infection has occurred and there are no doctors or nurses in the workplace. Remember that oxygen was supposed to be introduced everywhere during the summer. The televisions show images of the city of Vilnius (!!!), where that oxygen is rushed in. And it doesn’t matter whose subordinate hospital it is – the pandemic, which has been going on for half a year, hits us unexpectedly every week.

The pandemic hurts painfully for emergency care because the beds need COVID-19 because doctors who perform complex surgeries and procedures just get sick. Many say that such doctors through the eyes of Lithuania. There are many doctors, but few can and can. In Santorini, I know a dozen people who will stop all transplants, stroke extractions, coronary artery angiography, stenting, or complicated cancer surgeries. They may not stop, but their results will be worse. . It is all your “drive” and courage.

Complex assistance was mainly concentrated in the hospitals of two universities and its part in Klaipeda, Siauliai and Panevezys. After all, it is not for nothing that our LSMU colleagues “protect” their university clinics from the invasion of COVID-19 – a large flow of patients from central and western Lithuania is “holding” these clinics. You will not do many complicated operations and interventions in the area, do not get angry more. Meanwhile, the rest of Lithuania and the Santara Clinic do not have that luxury, and here is a really explosive mix: COVID-19 and complex patients planned in a hospital. It is difficult for Šiauliai and Panevėžys, because the hospitals in these cities, which were visited by patients from the surrounding areas, have also become COVID-19 treatment centers, and planned services must also be provided for patients with other diseases.

In the summer, SAM so enthusiastically urged heads of institutions to provide as many scheduled services as possible and told the public very superficially how much those scheduled services are provided in the health care system. For many in the public, it seems that without COVID-19, doctors do nothing. But after all, surgeries are being performed, heart attacks and strokes are being treated, cancer is being treated at full capacity, and family physicians are doing as many consultations live and remotely as before the crisis.

However, as the infection progresses, everything can fail in an instant. So we need to “suppress” the spread of infection to at least 200 cases per day, track COVID-19 contacts, protect scheduled care, have enough staff to treat patients in intensive care.

I enclose a Czech timetable. At the beginning of the pandemic, more than 10 percent of those who were sick were hospitalized, that number dropped to 2 percent in the summer, we were very satisfied with the mitigation of the pandemic, but now the numbers are increasing again to 4 percent. Winter brings with it the risk of exhaustion arriving earlier than expected. That is why we must stop the spread of the virus, “wrote V. Kasiulevičius.
