Professor Julius Kalibatas. Don’t believe the absurdity of the long-term side effects of COVID-19 vaccines


Other vaccination fears are more commonly associated with vaccine-induced side effects and the completely unexplained long-term effects of COVID-19 in humans. GPs have also heard from their patients that vaccines based on modified informational RNA can alter even human genetics, which of course is absolutely absurd from a scientific point of view.

Occasional short-term side effects of the vaccine (redness, swelling, itching at the injection site, enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit, and other flu-like symptoms) are well known to most of the population. what often you don’t even see a GP because they know what will happen in a few days.

However, higher fears have been observed to be associated with the possible long-term effects of vaccines on the human body, which is often, especially on social media, shrouded in conspiracy theories, unsubstantiated inferences, or just plain false facts. .

If the antiscientific delusions of D. Kepen and other anaphaltics in immunology and virology are no longer surprising, Dolores Cahill, a professor at the University of Dublin in Ireland, said that RNA-based vaccines will significantly shorten the lives of all those vaccinated.

In the absence of scientific evidence, the professor affirmed that those vaccinated will die within two or three years if they are over 70 years old, while those over thirty will only live for 5 to 10 years after vaccination. As it turns out, it is emerging among complete charlatans and teachers.

To be fair, so-called adenovirus-based vector vaccines, in very rare cases, cause clots to form due to autoimmune reactions against the platelets themselves. Yes, British researchers found only 19 deaths from clots after 20 million people were vaccinated with AstraZeneca.

The probability of dying after taking a walk on the street is probably a hundred times higher.

Jamie Reno notes that very rare cases of myocarditis, pericarditis, stroke, unilateral facial nerve palsy (Bell’s palsy) can be treated as long-term side effects of COVID-19 vaccines. The rarity of these cases is particularly compellingly illustrated by data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Yes, only 518 cases of mild myocarditis and mild pericarditis were recorded with 330 million doses of mRNA vaccines.

Dr. Stuart Burger, who studied the target group of vaccinated 16-24 year olds, found there were only 0.00025 percent of myocarditis cases. Guillain-Barré syndrome, in which nerves are damaged after vaccination and the occurrence of autoimmune reactions, has received considerable attention in the scientific literature. The onset of the clinic usually occurs an average of 42 days after vaccination.

Family doctors are very familiar with the symptoms of this syndrome: weakness of the muscles of the legs and arms, difficulty walking, speaking, chewing, swallowing, double vision, bladder and bowel disorders. But these are also very rare cases. US researchers have reported that only 100 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome have been reported with 12.8 million doses of the Pfizer-BionTech vaccine.

The extent to which vaccination can affect this is well illustrated by the fact that Guillain-Barré syndrome is detected 17 times more often in seasonal influenza than in vaccines.

Sure, people can be intimidated by the various potential complications that can arise after vaccination, but I have a deep conviction that scientific facts put everything in its place, highlighting what is simply baseless myth and what is true. scientifically proven indisputable.

Any misinformation about vaccines at the moment, without improving the epidemiological situation in most of the world, is already causing enormous damage in a global sense.

I really agree with the opinion of the Minister of Health A. Dulkis that we currently have a pandemic without vaccination in Lithuania, therefore all measures should be used to promote the vaccination campaign, both agitation and legal and financial. The diverse opinions, rights and personal freedoms of the individual cannot prevail over the right of the majority not to be infected, to be healthy and to live a full life.
