Professor Čelutkienė pointed out what makes controlling heart disease most difficult: it has sad consequences


Prof. J. Čelutkienė says that the controversial approach to statins is a big problem. This group of drugs is shrouded in myths and fears, patients are not motivated to take preventive measures because the prospect of future protection against myocardial infarction or stroke seems diffuse.

“Until 2015, the availability of kegs was quite limited, but since 2016, the conditions for their reimbursement have improved significantly, GPs have the opportunity to prescribe them and there seem to be no significant barriers to their use. However, with the potential for patients to greatly overestimate the side effects of statins, and despite objective science-based evidence, the potential of these drugs has yet to be realized. It is not always easy for patients taking statins as prophylaxis that prolonged use will reduce the risk of cardiovascular events (myocardial infarction and stroke), ”says the doctor.

The COVID-19 pandemic also completes the list of myths

In the human body, cholesterol is produced in two ways: from food and from the liver. Statins not only reduce the synthesis of cholesterol within the body, but also prevent the rupture of atherosclerotic plaques. In no way can a healthy lifestyle reduce cholesterol levels, since the predisposition to active cholesterol synthesis in the liver can be inherited genetically.

“Lifestyle correction and a healthy diet are welcome, but they cannot always solve the problem. Patients are more scared not because they belong to the high risk group for cardiovascular disease and are at risk of suffering an acute ischemic event, but because statins can make the situation worse. Among the most common stereotypes is the fear that they supposedly damage the liver, damage memory, although there is evidence that the opposite is true, “says J. Čelutkienė.



The COVID-19 pandemic situation helped create another legend about statins: The question arises of how they would work when infected with a viral infection, although a healthier circulatory system could contribute to an easier course of the disease.

The professor advises relying on objective facts and recommendations from authoritative organizations such as the European Society of Cardiology. Preventive statins have been shown to reduce the risk of myocardial infarction by more than 50%, the need for vascular procedures has been reduced by approximately 50%, the risk of stroke has also been reduced by almost 50% and has significantly reduced by about 20%. reduces overall mortality.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Patients who are already sick have a similar effect in improving their health and reducing their risks,” says the professor.

Statins don’t just affect the number in the blood test

A heart attack or stroke occurs when a blood vessel blocks a blood clot (clot). According to the doctor, it is necessary to know that basically all people gradually develop atherosclerosis and each of us has more or more of these plaques. Smokers, physically inactive people, belong to a higher risk group.

“All tragedies or even catastrophes occur when an atherosclerotic cell ruptures. Inside it is as if it were closed and protected from the outside by the accumulation of fat – cholesterol, in addition to inflammatory cells. When the outer cover breaks, the contents of the Plaque spills into the blood vessel and the body begins to react: platelets, erythrocytes try to neutralize these substances and surround them. This causes a blood clot to form, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke, “says the cardiologist.

Cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases

According to her, a thrombus can form anywhere, even in the arteries of the legs, kidneys or intestines.

“Statins provide additional protection against the breakdown of atherosclerotic cells that already exist in our bodies, thereby reducing the risk of blood clots. Those at particular risk must understand the threat they pose to themselves by succumbing to irrational fears of drug use. Statins. Therefore, it is important not to be afraid of statins, to understand their benefits, to use them correctly, that is, as prescribed by a doctor, “says J. Čelutkienė.

Men and women over the age of 40 are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease.

The high-risk group for the cardiovascular disease prevention program is for men ages 40 to 55 and women ages 50 to 65. For people of this age, the family doctor identifies risk factors once a year and, if necessary, develop an individual cardiovascular disease prevention plan. According to data published by the Institute of Hygiene, in 2019 these services were provided to 295.6 thousand. people, who accounted for 48.2 percent. target populations. Therefore, anyone in these age groups who does not yet have cardiovascular disease can go to their GP and get tested under the Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Program.

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