Professor Calibat explained who can warn of the coronavirus if there are no specific symptoms


Probably not many people with COVID-19 infection will agree that loss of smell and taste can make life worse, because when you close your eyes you can taste both the cake and, I’m sorry, and the stool, the same feeling, distinguishing only the hard and the soft and the hot or cold.

At first, the coronavirus was even thought to damage the front part of the brain, but it was later discovered that loss of smell and taste was associated with quite significant viral inflammatory damage to the nasal and oral mucosa. By the way, the sensitivity of the sensory receptors recovers after a week or two, but several bibliographic sources have read that the process can take months. In a word, as always, more patience is needed to wait for a full recovery to occur.



Many GPs receive consultations from their patients about COVID-19 when there is no clinic. This is a legitimate concern for many people, as the scientific literature indicates that up to 20-30% infected kovidin The infection does not feel any symptoms, so they continue to work, communicate with others and, without knowing it themselves, they can spread the infection, infect other people.

In the absence of laboratory tests for coronavirus, and in the absence of a cough, dyspnea, fever, headache, or loss of taste and smell, is it possible to suspect that a person may be infected with COVID-19? Are there really other symptoms that can help to suspect or at least suggest that you may be a source of infection?

Unfortunately, there are no other specific symptoms, but if you experience feelings of weakness, fatigue that you cannot explain for any other reason (you have not had any illness, you have not suffered any psychological trauma, you have not started to work or sleep less, you are not losing weight, etc.), it is advisable to consult your GP and ask for a referral for a coronavirus test.

It should be remembered that even slight changes in taste sensations that are often overlooked (regular food has become less delicious or has taken on some flavor) can be a sign that you are infected with COVID-19.

It should also be noted that the coronavirus is not only transmitted by airborne droplets, but other routes of infection are possible. Therefore, if you develop diarrhea for several days in a row, inform your doctor, as the coronavirus can also enter the gastrointestinal tract and cause inflammation of the intestine. Studies show that the virus can persist in the intestine for up to 5 weeks, so regular instructions from specialists to follow all hygiene rules precisely, not just hand disinfection, certainly have a scientific basis.

Professor Calibat explained who can warn about coronavirus if there are no specific symptoms

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

The situation in which a family member develops a coronavirus infection is of great concern to a part of the population. Both the isolation of the patient and the protection of other family members from contact with the patient often become a major issue.

For many, the recommendations of the Ministry of Health on how to treat these cases have not only caused smiles but also laughter. From a purely scientific point of view, everything seems to have been stated correctly. Moving sick to another apartment. If there is only one apartment, then infected with the COVID-19 infection, be sure to isolate the apartment on the second floor. And the own houses already have multiple entrances. Of course, it is necessary to follow all possible protective measures: separate sanitary facilities, separate eating utensils and the like. In short, the Lithuanian population should not have any problems.

I remember that a good acquaintance called me at that time and asked if I felt that the recommendations had apparently been copied from the advice to the sheiks of Saudi Arabia: what to do if one of the wives got sick. Our Minister has probably forgotten that a large number of Lithuanian citizens still live with their families in a one-room apartment and, as always, share a common kitchen and shared bathroom with similar neighbors.

You really want to believe that mass population testing with rapid antibody tests (which will begin soon) will help identify the majority of COVID-19 carriers who do not have symptoms and help quickly identify all foci of infection and infected contacts. And despite the fact that some scientists claim that antibody tests give a high enough number of false positive and false negative results, we currently have no better alternative to these tests.

But family doctors are particularly concerned about the massive spread of false information about the coronavirus infection, from the opinion of “various experts” that it is just a common flu to complete theories about how the global mafia is trying to take over the disease. world. And a vaccine can be a means to achieve these goals.



© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

Unfortunately, it is unfortunate that even well-known people in Lithuania and even some members of our Seimas are actively contributing to this. And apparently, that misleading and, I’m not afraid to say, harmful and even potentially destructive part of public information, especially through the use of social media, is actively and deliberately spread. As a result, half of the Lithuanian population indicates that they will refuse to be vaccinated against coronavirus infection.

We still have time, but the convictions of family doctors alone that vaccination is necessary and can save lives does not seem to be enough. The most famous Lithuanians, politicians, representatives of the arts, athletes and all those who realize that we really can and must overcome the coronavirus pandemic must actively participate in the vaccination campaign.

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