Prof. Kasiulevičius: There are many new cases and there may be more


To date, a total of 47,047 cases of infection have been confirmed in Lithuania, the National Public Health Center (NVSC) announced on Sunday.

According to the NVSC on Sunday morning, there are currently 35,562 people with coronavirus infection in Lithuania. Death has already left 386 dead.

“There are many new cases a day and there may be more. The effect of the quarantine is insufficient or there is still very little time to evaluate its effect, says Vytautas Kasiulevičius, professor at the Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine, on his account from Facebook. “If we accept that the number of cases will continue to increase, there will be no vaccine for a couple of months and the restrictions will not work as planned, and we will have to survive this situation.”

According to the professor, the greatest pressure at the moment is in the health field. The COVID-19 pandemic is reducing medical lines, reducing scheduled services and the lack of beds for COVID-19 patients.

“Each of us these days must rely on our common sense and help as many people around us as possible to survive the pandemic,” urges V. Kasiulevičius and once again presents his comments.

1. The lower the amount of virus that enters your body, the easier it will be for you to survive a pandemic. Therefore, keep a distance of 2 meters and masks indoors and where many people are useful. FFP2 medical masks and respirators are a better option than homemade masks and scarves.

2. The WHO strategy of “test, identify, trace, isolate” works. This has been tested in many Asian countries, Australia, New Zealand, and even European countries. Recent meta-analysis data shows that an average of 17 percent of asymptomatic COVID-19 patients are infected, with the person becoming more intensely infected in the first 5 days. After 9 days of illness, COVID-19 no longer infects anything. This means that the more infected we discover, the more we isolate them in ten days, the fewer new people will be infected, and the better we will manage the pandemic.

3. People living with a sick person will not necessarily become infected if they isolate the sick person in a separate room, keep the room ventilated, disinfect the toilet and bathroom, eat from different dishes, and communicate with the sick person during the as little time as possible using medical masks or FFP2 respirators. The sick person should also wear a medical mask when communicating with family members.

4. Pulse oximeters are not popular in Lithuania, but they are a very simple way to monitor their condition. All you have to do is put this little device on your finger and you can see how much oxygen your blood is saturated with. It is a great probe for your lung condition. If your oxygen saturation has dropped below 92 percent, you need extra oxygen. You can get that kind of oxygen in the hospital. No doctor who walks home and listens to your lungs will help you better than measuring your condition with a pulse oximeter.

5. If you become ill, continue to treat your chronic illness with the medicine prescribed by your GP. If you go to the hospital, take these medications and take them until they are assumed by qualified professionals. Medications that lower blood pressure, control glucose, and thin the blood are especially important. They must continue as COVID-19 attacks the weakest parts of the human being.

6. If you are hospitalized, follow the instructions of the medical staff and follow the treatment they have prescribed. No one will prescribe any experimental treatment without your knowledge. If your condition does not improve, you may be offered a treatment that has not yet been universally approved, but has been well researched. But in that case, you will receive a written proposal and may or may not accept it, carefully considering the possible alternatives. By refusing a treatment that is still under investigation, you will not be angry and no one will impose penalties on you. Never give in to the flow of lies against doctors because doctors are the very people you want to survive this pandemic and help do for you. Many of the doctors who treat you are young, tired, but still filled with compassion for saving the world and you.

7. If you become ill, immediately isolate yourself from older family members and from people with high blood pressure, diabetes, or other serious chronic illnesses.

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