Prime Minister: The director of the Genocide Center did not show the qualities that a director of such an institution would need.


When asked how he would vote for the removal of A. Jakubauskas, the prime minister said that his latest speeches criticizing the European Union (EU) for Crimean Tatar television were “absolutely scandalous” and “for many people, if they still had any doubts (about the possibility of staying at work), and they cleared those doubts. “

“I am very sorry that the leader has not demonstrated the qualities that the leader of such an institution would need, both during the conflict with a part of the team and perhaps in the long term,” I. Šimonytė told reporters at the Seimas on Tuesday .

I am very sorry that the director has not really demonstrated the qualities that a director of such an institution would need.

“I think that after his interview with Crimean Tatar television, it is very difficult to explain to a person how he sees himself as head of an institution in a European Union, saying such things to Ukrainian Crimean Tatar television, knowing that Ukraine is seeking EU Membership. I think the latest speeches are absolutely scandalous and for many people, if they still had any doubts, they cleared them, “said the Prime Minister.

In an interview with ATR television last week, A. Jakubauskas claimed that his LGGRTC represents traditional views and is under pressure from “leftist” politicians. He also said that he had the support of a “healthy Lithuanian society” and did not doubt that the political will in the Seimas would not be enough to remove him.

“At this time, often all kinds of left-wing influences coming from the European Union very often confuse the minds of young people, leading to the desire to rewrite history. Unfortunately, a school of historians has emerged in Lithuania, which he treats his homeland and country differently from historians who worked for many years, especially after regaining independence, who created an image of Lithuania’s past, especially the German, Soviet occupation, the Holocaust, the armed resistance, “he said A. Jakubauskas.

Unfortunately, a school of historians has emerged in Lithuania, which treats its native land, its country, differently than it does historians.

Later, he said that he regretted his comments to Crimean Tatar television, claiming that he had chosen the wrong rhetoric and did so because of the fatigue he had experienced.

The Seimas Board proposes to Parliament that the head of LGGRTC A. Jakubauskas be removed from office, approving said proposal of the Seimas working group headed by the conservative parliamentarian Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė. This issue is expected to be debated at the Seimas on Thursday.

The conclusions of the working group indicate that A. Jakubauskas fails to ensure the proper functioning of the institution, there is resistance and the situation publicly discussed in the center undermines the business reputation of the institution. Much discussion was sparked by A. Jakubauskas’s decision to fire the historian Mingailė Jurkutė.

The proposal was supported by the majority of the board members, with the exception of the opposition representatives: the opposition leader Saulius Skvernelis and the “employee” Andrius Mazuronis.

Some organizations, signatories, participants in the resistance to the Soviet occupation regime urge not to rush to remove the head of the center.

Commenting on the situation, I. Šimonytė said he had suspicions that the support campaign “was not very sincere and in some way organized.”

“It is strange for me to have an organized promotional campaign in which the person does not speak, but organizes many letters and comments from such respectable people and organizations, including many repetitive texts, and the suspicion that they may not be very sincere and organized” said I. Šimonytė.

According to the law, the director of the center is appointed and dismissed by the Seimas.

A.Jakubauskas started leading the LGGRTC last summer.
