Prime Minister Boris Johnson Vows to Give “Rudimentary” Response to Coronavirus Crisis


Johnson told The Times about the new radio station that “difficult times” await Britain, with the country experiencing the worst economic contraction in its history.

He intends to present the spending schedule on Tuesday in a speech that he summed up in his office as “let’s build, let’s build, let’s build.”

“I think it is time for the UK to take a Roosevelt approach to really move forward,” said Johnson.

“I really think the investment will pay off,” he added.

Roosevelt started the New Course program in the 1940s, paving the way for a comprehensive social care system whose legacy is still alive.

The first phase of the Johnson initiative foresees € 1 billion. pounds (€ 1.1 billion) for school repairs.

“It just caught our attention then. However, at those times there are opportunities to change and do everything better,” said the head of government.

“We really want to recover better, treat things differently, invest in infrastructure, transportation and broadband, whatever you want,” he said.

Johnson’s interview was published on Times Radio a week before the full opening of restaurants, cafes and other establishments in the hospitality, tourism and culture sectors in England for the first time on March 20.

Three days later, the universal quarantine was introduced in the country, which became one of the longest in Europe.

While general restrictions are easing across the country, the first local quarantine in central Leicester will soon be introduced to the UK to control a possible outbreak of coronavirus cases.

“I think the bottom line is that we are ready to deal with local exacerbations,” said Johnson.

“That is why you see the action being taken in Leicester,” he said.

Johnson, who was on resuscitation for COVID-19 in early April, admitted that this experience forced him to reevaluate his passive approach to Britain’s overall health.

Some data suggests that overweight people are more likely to die from the new coronavirus.

Johnson admitted to following a diet and said Monday that he had “lost some weight” while recovering.

“I took a very liberal position [dėl sveikos gyvensenos]. However, compared to other countries, we are much fatter, “he said.
