Prime Minister Apologizes for Causing Weak and Petty Skin Justice in Court


Ingrida imonyt, prime minister. Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrida has apologized to the company for comments that may have been caused by recent deliberations about possible quarantine releases. The prime minister’s comment appeared on social media shortly after a small business organization spoke out defending their rights in court.

yesterday I apologize for the grievances that should not have been caused. I think it is even more pleasant to apologize for this than for the decisions that must be reversed, to premjer I. imonyt again on Wednesday on his account on the social network Facebook.

On Wednesday, the government postponed permission for at least a week to open beauty centers and small non-food stores with separate outdoor areas.

The prime minister is waiting for an updated scheme on Monday

In a comment, the prime minister of Facebook notes that the epidemiological situation indicator, according to which the situation is assigned to one scenario or another, fell to just under 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 14 days a week, and the increase in scenario C it probably prompted offers to release one or another activity.

According to data from Wednesday morning, 414.9 cases per thousand inhabitants were registered in Lithuania within two weeks.

However, according to I. imonyts, the situation remains fragile and, in Vilnius, the situation from the 500 threshold is still limited to just 0.21 cases. The Prime Minister does not deny that the opinion of the experts is divided, but points out that the final decision and the consequences of responsibility are taken by the Government.

The Prime Minister emphasized that she had shared some quarantine facilities and recalled that Scenario C did not foresee facilities in the provision of contact services. However, it is not necessary to wait for scenario B, which is still a long way off.

The Prime Minister expects updated schemes to be presented to the Government Emergency Commission next Monday, providing early alternatives for the Government to decide. Especially if the Ministry of Economy and Innovation is to develop a concept support measure that will motivate representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises to challenge themselves and their employees, writes I. imonyt.

It also recalls the possibility of finding a solution to release activities in those municipalities closest to Scenario B.

Little ada defend in court

The prime minister’s comments were posted on Facebook shortly after Dalia Matukien, president of the Lithuanian Small and Medium Business Council (SMB), declared that the quarantined company was going to defend its rights in court.

The experts and the Government have plans A, B and C, and small businesses and entrepreneurs have also joined, and we will have and announce our plan A to the Government within two days, he spoke on the LRT program on the topic of the day.

According to D. Matukiens, the plan includes compliance with legal requirements, and some international courts are already responsible for the actions of the entrepreneurs.

The answer was very large sums of money and the children mentioned how much they owed, Matukien said.

These are judgments and we certainly have a right to expect them. If a large shopping center operates today with the same and even worse conditions than a small one, why can’t a small business do that? Klaus Boss (SVVT).

Experts disagree

It is clear that the government’s decision this Wednesday was based on the recommendation of the Council of Health Experts, according to which non-food stores with separate segregation could begin operating when 150 new cases have been reached for every thousand inhabitants in the last 14 days. level. At that time, beauty salons could open up to 100 cases.

After the government meeting, Aurin Armonait, Minister of Economy and Innovation, said that she thought the beauty salons and part of the store could operate. However, he emphasizes that the Government makes decisions in a collegial manner.

The government’s decision provoked a reaction from business organizations. Rta Vainien, director of the Lithuanian Trade Association, predicted that some companies would not start operating very legally and in the EU, and Jolanta Maiulien, president of the Association of Hairdressers and Beauty Specialists, said that the decision to open the salon was postponed Wednesday.

Last weekend, Minister Arnas Dulkys Facebook was proud that Lithuania had gone from the most difficult COVID-19 management scenario to an easier one.

This is necessary to open the possibilities, although not the widest ones, but the opportunities to experience the next steps, to give a new color to our life, writes the Minister.

A strategy for gradual release from quarantine was presented at a government meeting Monday, with plans to lift restrictions on quarantine restrictions on a weekly basis.

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