Pressed roof business – criminal scheme: FNTT carried out 8 searches, arrested 3 people


After the searches, fraudulent accounting charges were made against 3 people, two of them, and false statements.

During the pre-trial investigation, the group was found to have manipulated the names of two legal entities and registered the records in black accounts to hide the taxes.

In 2018-2020, people engaged in the stretch ceiling business carried out commercial activities: they transported materials for the production of stretch ceilings to Lithuania from third countries and hired people who were not officially employed anywhere for their processing and installation. Later, the products were sold on the Lithuanian market. It is estimated that during the two years of operation, the suspects hid 80,000. value added tax.

Up to 8 searches were conducted on people in sight of the FNTT. During them, officers who visited the suspects’ homes and workplaces found more than 25,000. supporting documents for cash in euros and double entry accounting.

During the search, items related to black accounting were also seized: drafts, computers, telephones, accounting documents from a company registered in neighboring Latvia. In the absence of evidence from legally employed workers, the circumstances of illegal employment were also investigated.

During the operation, 3 related persons were detained and temporarily released after preventive interrogations. They have been charged with fraudulent accounting, two of whom are also suspected of making false tax returns.

The most severe penalty for handling fraudulent accounting is imprisonment of up to four years. There is up to 8 years in prison for filing false tax returns.

The pre-trial investigation is directed and controlled by the Vilnius Regional Prosecutor’s Office.
