Presidential speeches have baffled: political scientists are debating where pre-election Nausėda went


The appearance of President G. Nausėda on the stage of the “March for the Defense of the Family” caused a stir in society. The speech was distributed to the media before the march, but was only allowed to be published when it was playing at the rally.

While the speech was playing, a debate ensued, which side the president chose to support. Political scientists said shortly after the march that G. Nausėda’s speech on the day of the protest was just a shot in the legs. Experts commented that the president’s behavior is likely to lead to him not being re-elected for a second term.

A greeting upon greeting: everything was clear

After hearing criticism from political scientists, G. Nausėda responded on Thursday. In an interview with the LRT television program “Topic of the day” on Thursday night, the head of state dismissed the criticism due to the unclear speech and said that the participants in the march clearly understood the message.

“It seems to me that it was perfectly clear to the people who were gathered there and they expressed that clarity with emotion. Well, maybe some political scientists did not like the content of the speech, that is another issue here, but the speech was prepared according to the principle that I have represented since the election campaign, ”said G. Nausėda.

He recalled that during the presidential election campaign he had said a few years ago that “the family is an institution, marriage is an institution enshrined in article 38 of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, and we must respect our Constitution.”

President G. Nausėda and his wife D. Nausėdienė visit the Basic School and the Deauville Cultural Center

President’s unclear position poses challenges

Political scientist Rima Urbonaitė says that the president has the right to have his own opinion and choose which side to support. However, the specialist points out that at present it is not at all clear what position the president will take. He says he talks in such a way as to reserve a few more contingency plans for himself.

“If it’s just a Family Day greeting, it seems to me that the Presidency communication group should consider whether it really should be explained after that that it was just a Family Day greeting. Family Day began with the tomorrow and we only hear the greeting in the evening. I don’t want to allow myself the controversy, but I want to tell the truth. It is always very good to tell the truth. It is not a problem that the president has one position or another. No matter how much he has, he should speak of it aloud, not ambiguous “, – comments R. Urbonaitė on

R. Urbonaitė says that political scientists do not usually consider whether the position of the president corresponds to their positions, but rather analyze what position the head of the country takes. But when you have to speculate where the president is standing and problems arise.

“If the president sees it as a successful performance in the march, I cannot object, he can do it, the applause is important to him. Great, everything is very good, the president has said his position, I think basically I would like to be frank And honestly, here it is that not only political scientists but also others are left as guessing what is in the mind of the president and this is a constant state of all of us.

In one sitting, the president says that he has said his opinion, but on the other hand, he does not even understand that sometimes he says it in such a way that in the end he still has alternatives and lots of interpretations, “says R. Urbonaitė.

According to the interlocutor, there were many interpretations in this case. This has been demonstrated by different evaluations of language not only in the political science community but also in society in general. If everything had been clear, they would have been such different opinions.

“It just came to our notice then. It is issued at various levels from the presidency. In practice, whatever topic has not been looked at, which is at least a little more sensitive, for which there may not be an endorsement. massive, the maneuvers begin there immediately ”, comments R. Urbonaitė.

Rhyme Urbonaitė

The presidency needs specialists

Immediately after the “March for the defense of the family”, Bernaras Ivanovas, associate professor at Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), who described the president’s speech as a shot in the feet, responded on Thursday after hearing the words of G Nausėda. According to the political scientist, observe what the communication of the presidency is simply grainy.

“On the one hand, it’s fun that all kinds of political scientists say and write. On the other hand, I think it is time for the honorable president to establish himself as a good political scientist. It is gloomy to watch what is happening and there is a great dissonance between the way the electoral campaign was carried out, when the impression was created that the president listened carefully to the political scientists, memorizing the languages ​​and texts he was collecting. . Those specialists who work or simply work catastrophically, or they do not know their work, or the president does not listen to them ”, comments B. Ivanov on

According to the specialist, such presidential responses to criticism are strange and more reminiscent of an attempt to respond to a comment on social networks.

“It is clear to everyone who monitors the political situation in Lithuania that the president has joined, I think, alongside a small group and is losing strategically. He does not understand. A political scientist should consult with the president and explain to him what democracy means. and what it does in the West Everything that is happening in Lithuania now is absolute. rain. With us, time is different than in Europe, we are falling behind, we are crawling, ”says B. Ivanov, adding that the president is currently positioning himself in the group of losers.

According to the political scientist, the discussions currently taking place in Lithuania show a delay, as some other countries have solved similar problems for a long time and with greater ease.

Bernaras Ivanovas (photo from

Will the president veto the Corporations Law?

Political scientists say that the possibility that G. Nausėda decides to veto the Association Law should not be ruled out. R. Urbonaitė says that the President has not yet expressed her specific position on this issue, so everything can be expected.

“In principle, one can judge by his speech, if the text of the Association Law received by him, in his opinion, does not comply with article 38 of the Constitution, the President will veto. And what is behind this, how the president thinks relations should be regulated, we don’t know, because the president has not said anything about it ”, says R. Urbonaitė.

According to Ivanov, this could happen if one wanted to oppose the conservatives or overthrow the ruling coalition.

“There is talk of a conflict over some issues that have nothing to do with this issue, such as the representation in the EVS, a number of other labor issues. It is necessary to understand very clearly – after all, the rallies did not really think that of suddenly I. Šimonytė would attack to resign with the ministers. It is hoped that maybe if a large group of people gets together, this will lead to a split in the Conservative Party. I think there is a game about the Conservatives.

There are those who are unhappy with I. Šimonyte and that ultra-liberal agenda. Playing with that, it is believed that the conservatives can break. Gabriel Landsberg’s authority is not as great as he himself would like and so far his grandfather’s authority is saving him. If you see that the events are through “hair”, you may not sign it, you can try to play more, “says Ivanov.


The draft Association Law has been registered in the Seimas

On Friday, a bill on marriage was registered in the Seimas, which would legalize the union between men and women and people of the same sex. The project defines a partnership as an officially registered fact of the coexistence of two people, with the aim of creating, developing and protecting a partnership relationship.

Those relationships are said to be based on a constant “emotional attachment, mutual understanding, responsibility, assistance, respect and / or similar relationships and a voluntary commitment to assume certain rights and responsibilities.”

Andrius Navickas, a representative of the larger Union of Seimas-Lithuanian Christian Democrats in ruling Seimas, says that a large part of the faction is determined to support the association law. At the time, critics of the project in the faction say it would bring a new basis for family formation not provided for in the Constitution and eventually pave the way for adoption.

Algirdas Sys, leader of the opposition Social Democratic Party, is one of the promoters of the project, but confirmed that the group does not have a unanimous opinion on the matter.

Andrius Mazuronis, vice president of Seimas, a member of another opposition faction of the Labor Party, says “workers” will not unanimously support the project.

At the time, Saulius Skvernelis, a member of the largest opposition party, the Lithuanian Union of Peasants and Greens (LVŽS) and leader of the opposition, said he could comment on the project later when he got acquainted with it.

Earlier this week, the shadow government of LVŽS issued a report urging the Seimas not to consider the association bill. The Association Bill would regulate property and non-property relations of single people who cohabit.

It would make it possible to recognize partial joint ownership or, if necessary, establish a different and mutually satisfactory legal regime for joint ownership.

Sweden.  The Civil Association Law was passed in 1995.

What is planned in the project?

The project proposes to allow partners to inherit properties without additional fees; Certain personal obligations of the partner are created, that is, respect, loyalty, obligation of maintenance of the partner in case of termination of the partnership.

The law would allow the choice of a partner or the use of a common surname, would legalize the possibility of authorizing to act in the name and interests of each one, represent in medical care, obtain information related to the health of the partner, include the possibility of not testify against each other in court, etc.

The project establishes that the company will come into force from the moment it is registered and that it may be registered on the basis of a judicial decision that establishes the legal importance of the existence of a de facto company among the interested persons.

The partnership can be terminated by agreement of both partners by a notary only if the partners do not have minor children in common. Couples with joint minor children must approve the general agreement on the legal consequences of the termination of the partnership through a court decision. To terminate the partnership unilaterally, the partner must go to court.

The draft Law on Corporations does not propose changes in the current legal framework on adoption. Critics of the Partnership Institute have expressed fear that the Association Act will allow people of the same sex to adopt children.

It is proposed that the Law on Public Limited Companies enters into force on January 1, 2022. In Lithuania, the union is not legalized for men and women or same-sex couples. Several previous attempts by liberal politicians to legalize civil union in the country have not reached the stage of adoption in the Seimas.
