President of “Liberty and Justice” Žemaitaitis: someone else had to be the leader


“We had found someone as party chair and party member. And if it weren’t for the coronavirus, the person whose business was directly affected by the coronavirus would have become the party’s president, ”stated R. Žemaitaitis on the radijo Žinių program.

However, the president of the Freedom and Justice Party emphasizes that the two months of quarantine have had a significant impact on the real estate sector in which he said he worked. Therefore, according to R. Žemaitaitis, the intended candidate for the post of party president decided to focus his efforts on preserving his business.

However, R. Žemaitaitis is pleased that this person continues to help create the party program and contribute to the important work for the party.

“He continues to be involved in the development of our program and, in fact, contributes to consulting and negotiation. (…) I really understood it, but I am glad that the person is contributing to our cooperation now, ”he assured.

ELTA recalls that on Saturday the Freedom and Justice party was founded on the basis of the Freedom Union (Liberals) party led by Artūras Zuokas. The Order and Justice party, which was liquidated during the congress, merged with the party led by A. Zuokas. The Freedom and Justice Party was renamed, and R. Žemaitaitis was elected president.

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