President Kreivis values ​​his work positively, but the ministerial candidate did not avoid questions about interests


“During the conversation, the president also wanted to hear the opinion of the candidate on whether all his private interests would allow him to work fully as a minister, which means making decisions on all issues in the field of energy,” said President Gitan’s spokesman. Nausėda, Antanas Bubnelis.

After the meeting with the president, D. Kreivys said that he has no interest in energy, so he will not have to withdraw from the decisions, except in exceptional cases. According to him, the conversation was extensive and formal.

“I have assured the president that I have been in politics and in parliament for more than a decade, I really dominate the coordination and prevention of conflicts of interest (…) And there are certainly no broad interests in the energy sector. I don’t see a greater need, only in exceptional cases, when it will be necessary to withdraw from decision-making, “D. Kreivys told reporters.

VIDEO: President Kreivis values ​​his work positively, but the ministerial candidate did not avoid questions about interests

He later added that one of his companies had previously implemented a solar power plant project, but now D. Kreivys said he does not see any potential conflict of interest.

“One is probably an old project from a decade ago. There are no projects in companies where I have shares and I am a minority shareholder,” said the politician.

In 2013, it was announced that in 2012, the construction company Statybų Gausa related to D. Kreivis entered the solar energy business and built six solar power plants.

When asked on Thursday if it would divest shares in managed companies, D. Kreivys reiterated that it could avoid conflicts of interest.

“The laws of our country allow it and I believe that having experience in handling these conflicts (…) will be able to solve these problems. Even more so because there are probably many people in politics who have one or another participation, “said the candidate.

According to the representative of President A.Bubnelis, the meeting discussed the most important goals in the energy sector, in particular, the smooth implementation of the synchronization project, the prohibition of imports of electricity from the Astrava Nuclear Power Plant (CN ) in the European Union, the Green Course.

“According to the president, the designated minister must guarantee the continuity of the energy strategy, that is, continue the proactive development of renewable energies, promote the development of innovations, modernization of the energy sector, as well as maximize the use of energy infrastructure existing, “Bubnelis said.

The presidency says that the future minister should also take on a new job: developing a strategy for further development of the heat sector, to pay more attention to the waste sector.

D. Kreivys affirmed that his priorities will be the synchronization of the electrical networks with continental Europe and at the same time the problems of the Astrava nuclear power plant, as well as the Green Course and “own production”, that is, the development of the local electricity generation.

The meeting also discussed the work of outgoing Minister Žygimantas Vaičiūnas. After TS-LKD fiercely criticized his methodology of not allowing electricity to enter the Astravas nuclear power plant and urged him to withdraw from negotiations on this issue, D. Kreivys said that this was basically the only complaint against the outgoing minister. .

“I really appreciate the work of the Minister Ž. Really many projects. (…). Yes, probably the only disagreement we had was the methodology to buy electricity from third countries,” said D. Kreivys.

“In principle, I value the work of the ministry as good and very good, but this disagreement is perhaps a minor mistake of the minister,” added the candidate for the ministers.

I really appreciate the work of Minister Ž.Vaičiūnas.

The politician said that after the implementation of strategic state projects, the Ministry of Energy could merge with the Ministry of Transportation.

D. Kreivys was forced to resign from the post of Minister of Economy in 2011, when the Central Commission for Official Ethics (COEC) admitted that he had violated the law by signing an order for the allocation of European Union funds for school renovation.

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Dainius Kreivys

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Dainius Kreivys

D.Kreivys assured that he did not know that one of the winners of the contest was his mother’s company, in addition, he did not have the opportunity to influence the decision.

According to the Records Center data, D. Kreivys owns 40 percent. Catus shares. In the 2018 activity report, the company states that it owns the subsidiaries Makveža (65%), Statybų abundance (70%) and the Specialized Assembly Board (71%). Catus has not submitted the 2019 activity reports to the Records Center.

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