Presidency: US developments: a test of democracy, constructive relations with Biden expected


“The achievements of democracy and the rule of law are not a gift in any state. <...> The president believes that in a democracy as old as the United States, the government must change democratically, peacefully, without bloodshed, even more so without human victims, “said A. Skaisgirytė at the press conference.

The presidential adviser said constructive cooperation with the Joe Biden administration was expected, particularly in the areas of security, defense and the economy.

Photo by Lukas Balandus / 15min / Asta Skaisgirytė

Photo by Lukas Balandus / 15min / Asta Skaisgirytė

The presidency is not afraid that internal unrest will affect America’s commitments to Europe. These fears were expressed today by the Minister of National Defense, Arvydas Anušauskas.

Similar fears have been raised after the election of President Donald Trump: that the United States will focus more on its internal problems and pay less attention to the world.

It didn’t work: the United States is a global player, attention has been focused on Europe, China, the Pacific coast. We believe that Biden will pay close attention to international organizations as well. There are certain signs that we want to talk to the European Union, go back to negotiations on certain agreements, ”said A. Skaisgirytė.

According to the adviser, Lithuanian diplomats in Washington are already communicating with possible advisers to J. Biden about the crisis in Belarus: “The goal is for the United States to return to the issues that are important to us. This is the Eastern Partnership, Eastern Europe, including Belarus. “

Since August there have been massive protests in Belarus. They emerged after the announcement that Aliaksandr Lukashenko, a long-time autocratic leader, was re-elected by a large majority. During the crisis, Lithuania became one of the most famous voices calling for sanctions against the Minsk regime.

Asked whether the president attributes responsibility for the events on Wednesday in Washington to D. Trump, who actively urged to attend the protest, A. Skaisgirytė assured that G. Nausėda does not appreciate the internal policy followed by the presidents of other countries.

“Our relationship with the United States is important to us and it was very close during the reign of President Trump,” said A. Skaisgirytė.

“Allies in the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are important to Lithuania. We do not have the luxury of knitting with a single party and a wing of a party. We have to have friends in both parties,” replied the president’s adviser to the question. whether he was planning to establish contacts with the progressive part of the Democratic Party.

Trump supporters stormed the Capitol building after Wednesday’s meeting of both houses of Congress to approve the College of Voters vote – Joe Biden’s victory. Some of them entered, clashes with the police both there and outside.

VIDEO: Blood spills in Trump riots in America: at least 4 people die on Capitol Hill

At least four people were killed, several officers were injured and more than 50 people were arrested.

VIDEO: Donald Trump supporters storm the Capitol

Finally, Trump, reiterating baseless allegations of stolen elections, urged his supporters to “go home” and act peacefully.

VIDEO: Images have been released of the United States Capitol devastated by riots

Despite the unrest, Congress finally confirmed Biden’s victory. Confirming victories in presidential elections is usually just a formality, but Trump supporters sought to use the procedure as a last resort to keep him in power.

After confirming Biden’s victory, Trump announced that a peaceful transfer of power would be ensured, although he did not agree with the election results.
