Presidency: Quarantine should be done in small steps, starting with two things


“In the president’s opinion, the release from quarantine should be very careful, measured, of course, by releasing those areas that are most needed, such as certain social interactions, the education sector, etc.,” President Gitan Nausėda told Economic News Tuesday. And Simonas Krėpšta, head of the Social Policy Group.

“Man is a social being and a careful liberation from social communication is needed. Like a few small steps in the education sector, in kindergartens, because education is also very important in the development stages of the developing child ”, he explained.

Speaking of possible commercial launches, S. Krėpšta acknowledged that this must be done in a different way, but without causing the spread of the virus. Also, according to the advisor, a clear plan is needed, calculations of why specific releases are made.

“Probably the fact is that it is really possible to differentiate in terms of business liberalization, and those areas with separate entrances, larger areas, less traffic. Of course, if the situation is correct, if the virus continues to be suppressed, it would be possible to release them earlier than in the most risky places, ”says S. Krėpšta.

“Hopefully more details will be revealed next week, and hopefully this will be based on expert opinion, calculations and good practices from other countries,” said the president’s adviser.

The government’s emergency commission on Monday proposed extending the country’s quarantine until early March.

It is expected that from mid-February, if the number of infections decreases, two households will be allowed to communicate and the number of scheduled services in medical institutions will increase. Starting in the second half of February, a return to contact or blended learning for beginners would be considered.

Non-grocery stores could open in the second half or late February, but as long as they have a separate entrance from the outside, other safety distance requirements will also be met.

In Lithuania, the quarantine was announced last year, on November 7, and as of December 16, their regime was tightened and extended until January 31.
