Presented an assessment of national security threats: Cyber ​​opportunities were actively exploited


He claims that attempts have been made to influence Lithuanian society with information cyberattacks. In 2020, 9 cyber information operations were carried out, during which cyber letters were used to hack the institutions’ websites, forged letters were sent and thus false information was spread. These attacks did not affect a large part of society, but did affect marginalized groups.

Three active countries

Among the main players are China, Russia and Belarus.

For example, the tender for the implementation of intelligent IT infrastructure conducted by a company in Lithuania attracted special interest from Chinese companies. In exchange for operating the system, a Chinese company even offered to install a significant part of the equipment needed for the project for free. The goal is likely not only to supply equipment and technology, but also to become familiar with the information technology, business processes, and information and cybersecurity requirements of the company.

It is also reported that the Belarusian KGB is also very interested in Lithuanian citizens, especially officials and specialists from various institutions who have access to confidential data. An example of such activity is the case of a man who works as a database maintenance specialist at a state institution, during which an attempt was made to blackmail Belarusian intelligence during his stay in Belarus. Fortunately, an employee of a state institution approached the Department of Homeland Security and avoided any inconvenience.

The assessment states that as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the scale of human intelligence against Lithuania by Russian intelligence services has decreased, but the threat of cyber espionage is also increasing as the scale of telecommuting and telecommuting increases. electronic services.

“The biggest threat to Lithuanian institutions is posed by cyber espionage groups coordinated by Russian intelligence services. Cyber ​​capabilities of Russia and other hostile states have likely become a priority tool for gathering targeted information due to the changes brought about. travel and meeting restrictions are likely to prevent services from conducting intelligence through traditional methods of personal contact. However, pandemic management measures do not prevent cyber spyware attacks, “he said The report.

Programmers are getting more dangerous

According to experts, in 2020, the total amount of malicious activity in cyberspace has not increased significantly, but the targets are changing. “Criminals in the criminal world are making greater use of data encryption and ransoms for decryption Data hijacking type programs against hospitals and other health institutions. It is very likely that programmers are motivated by the belief that the expectation of these institutions to regain access to critical data and systems for the patient more quickly will lead to risk taking and rescue, ”said the published threat assessment. .

Experts remember it in 2020. The first direct human death from a cyber attack was recorded. It is estimated that the German patient did not survive a long transfer to another hospital, which took place at the nearest Düsseldorf University Hospital. Data hijacking nature of the attack.

The Lithuanian National Center for Public Health has also suffered a cyber attack.

The report also states that it cannot be ruled out that some of these attacks are organized by state cyber groups from hostile countries: Cyber ​​groups in Lithuania, controlled by the Russian intelligence services, prepared cyber attacks against the highest authorities of Lithuania, institutions of foreign policy and national security, energy and educational institutions. Groups run by Russian intelligence services have also used Lithuania’s information technology service sector infrastructure for cyberattacks against targets in Western countries.

For example, part of the 2020 Russian intelligence services’ APT29 cyber espionage group attacks against COVID-19 vaccine development organizations in the West, which were announced in July, were carried out using Lithuania’s IT infrastructure. .

Information cyber attacks

In addition to their regular targets, these cyber groups also conduct spyware operations against organizations with information on pandemic management measures in other countries, COVID-19 virus research, and the vaccine development process.

“Pandemic hostile intelligence services are used to force targeted people to open infected email attachments or malicious links. The COVID-19 issue, which generates not only curiosity but also fear, anxiety and other strong emotions, reduces people’s vigilance and makes them forget about possible cyber threats, ”says the report.

According to experts, the pandemic theme was also used in periodic cyber attacks in Lithuania.

“The motivation of programmers to perform malicious activities is unlikely to diminish in the near future, but the increasing focus of information systems administrators from both organizations and organizations developing telecommuting software solutions will help combat cybersecurity. “. The prevention of new cyber threats is likely to remain relevant in the long term, as the use of information technology will increase even after the end of the pandemic, ”the report said.
