Pravieniškės officials are angry: wages and holidays are delayed, “distorted” allowances: “Do I have to become an accountant so as not to cheat?”


The staff of the Pravieniškės Correctional Center said in a report issued by the union that the transfer of the accounting functions of the institution to the National General Functions Center (NBFC) of the Ministry of Finance generates delays in monthly salaries and that workers on vacation arrive later than required by the Job. The code, overtime, and other allowances are inaccurate.

“Chaos” was a description of the situation by four union representatives who worked at the Pravieniškės Correctional Center and the Penitentiary Hospital.

According to Kęstutis Pauliukas, president of the Trade Union of Pretrial Investigation Institutions of the Republic of Lithuania (LRITĮPS), both the representatives and the president receive complaints about union members on a daily basis.

“I mentioned this problem during a meeting with the Minister of Justice. But nothing changes. As of January 1, at least the officers working in the Pravieniškės Correctional Institution and the Penitentiary Hospital do not receive wages and vacations on time, and the allowances and bonuses are not calculated accurately. This is a big problem that is getting worse, “said K. Pauliukas.

Photo by V.Miškinis / Kęstutis Pauliukas

Photo by V.Miškinis / Kęstutis Pauliukas

There are problems paying the loans.

According to the LRITĮPS representative in Pravieniškės Correctional Facility Sector 1 – Česlova Masevičienė, after January 1, when the payer changed, total chaos prevailed.

“The officials are very angry because their salaries are already low. Many have taken out loans that have to be paid on time, on a certain day, with delays in salaries, this becomes a real challenge. The situation is bad in the third month. It has not been the case in the past that officials have not received payment on time or leave before vacation. Now it has become the norm: vacation pay is only paid when you return after vacation ” said Č.Masevičienė.

He recalled that the accountants of the old institutions had not made mistakes, the process went smoothly.

“In a stressful job, we were also worried about worrying about money: will we get it on time, or all that depends, when? Okay, it’s abnormal, “she said indignantly.

The officials are very angry that their salaries are already low.

Ms. Masevičienė also has the support of Linas Tarnauskas, Head of the LRITĮPS Division of the Prison Hospital: “Salaries were normally paid from January 5 to 8, but this year the payment of salaries suddenly stopped. We recently received a notice that wages will be paid on the 12th of the month.

Many people who have borrowed by choosing a pay date based on the payment of their salary now face the worry of not owning the bank when the salary is constantly behind. You want certainty, if so far the salary has been paid before the 8th of the month, why should it change? The question is if the money is not transferred from somewhere on time or if there are other problems. “

Marius Vizbaras / 15-minute photo / Two new buildings are opened in the Pravienišks prison

Marius Vizbaras / 15-minute photo / Two new buildings are opened in the Pravienišks prison

Heard: understaffing

Ina Širvinskienė, LRITĮPS representative in 2nd sector of Pravieniškės Correctional Institution-Open Colony, also spoke about the bad situation due to not receiving money on time.

“There are also problems to reimburse travel expenses. There are people who have not received disability benefits, late payment of wages, vacation pay, due to an incorrect calculation, very few bonuses are paid, for example, instead of 10% . for danger, only 5% is calculated “, – I.Širvinskienė said about the situation.

Unfazed by the mess, she finally called the NBFC accountant herself. It was explained that one accountant was disabled and another was overworked.

“It’s strange when things like this happen in a large facility. The call apologizes for the understaffing. Surprisingly, when accountants who worked on this system and were well versed in the details tried to get hired, no one hired them. And now, it turns out that there is a lack of people and skills, “was surprised I. Širvinskien sorpre.

It’s weird when things like this happen in the big center.

According to her, the officials are very angry and are even willing to hold protests due to the delays.

The situation is also unsatisfied with the management of the institution, because seeing that there are delays in the settlement of accounts with officials, predicts that there will be problems with the organization of work: officials will be entitled to more days off, which means a financial burden. for the institution, “explained I. Širvinskienė.

The Labor Code stipulates that if an employer is late in paying annual leave, the period for which payment was delayed is added to the rest of the annual leave if the employee filed a request during the first three business days after the annual leave. .

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15-minute photo / Prison Department officials conduct a search at Pravieniškės prison

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15-minute photo / Prison Department officials conduct a search at Pravieniškės prison

Accountants don’t know the details?

Danutė Kazlauskienė, LRITĮPS representative in the third sector of the Pravieniškės Correctional Center, said that the salaries and their delays are already the second month, and the center’s accountant admits that it is very difficult for her to calculate the salaries, allowances and bonuses for officials in accordance with the accounting of total working time.

“It is obvious that either there are not enough accounting staff on duty or they do not know the details, but the officials should not suffer as a result. Those errors in the calculation of when hours are not counted, money is paid incorrectly are not annoying. Do we not have to become accountants ourselves? To calculate that the center would not catch us? ”Asked D. Kazlauskienė.

On March 10, after receiving the payment receipt, which is also not sent on time, but when it falls, it turned out that at least his salary was incorrectly calculated – the overpayment is up to 400 euros.

“It just came to our attention then. Therefore, we call on all leaders, trade unionists, regardless of the institution in which they work, whenever they are faced with incorrect calculations of salaries, allowances and bonuses, vacation delays, to to contact us and report it. We will assess whether this is just a Pravieniškės problem, or whether it is also faced by officials working in other places of execution of sentences. We will decide how to help them as soon as possible, “invited K.Pauliukas.

As the workload increased, there was a shortage of workers

15 minutes He directed inquiries about this situation to both the Department of Prisons, the Ministry of Justice and the NBFC. The situation is known to the latter, it is resolved, according to Mantas Banys, communication advisor to NBFC.

“Currently, we are doing everything possible to eliminate the disturbances you mentioned and cause the least possible discontent to the employees of the institutions, where the accounting management function is carried out centrally,” said M. Banys.

He explained that, according to the Government Resolution, as of January 4, 2021, the NBFC was appointed to carry out the accounting function of the Ministry of Justice and 16 subordinate institutions.

“Typically, it can take 6 to 7 weeks from the announcement, selection and hiring of a staff search. Employees also need a period of time during which they adjust to a new job before they can perform their duties. working at full capacity.

Unfortunately, the situation in the job market for accountants is quite tense: specialists in this field are lacking. As a result, recruiting took more time than we wanted. To address the lack of human resources, we regularly invite headquarters staff to participate in our competitions, join the NBFC team, and use our many years of experience. However, statistics show that around 10% of those accountants come to us ”, assured the NBFC representative.

The situation in the job market for accountants is quite tense.

I had to do a lot of manual work

Another objective reason for the disruption, according to Ban, was that the payroll information systems used by centralized institutions have limited functionality, which allegedly required a lot of manual work on the part of the center’s specialists. During the transition period, it was manual labor and the consequent increase in time costs that led to delays and errors.

“As mentioned, the situation is known and actively addressed. At the moment, we already have a team of specialists serving these institutions. We are planning meetings with institutions in the near future that are still experiencing the disturbances you mentioned. We believe that better communication will help solve this problem. The institution received a letter about the problems on January 18, “said the NBFC communication advisor.

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15 min photo / Pravieniškės prison official

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15 min photo / Pravieniškės prison official

One of the main goals of NBFC, according to him, is to standardize processes and increase their efficiency, to perform the functions performed more quickly. The biggest challenge currently facing the Center is the different payroll and personnel management information systems across the institutions, numbering more than 30. This is largely due to opportunities to increase the efficiency of the NBFC.

“In total, NBFC performs accounting functions for 143 institutions with more than 18 thousand employees. workers. At the moment, we can talk about delays in two institutions, which employ just over a thousand employees, ”assured M. Banys.
