Powder: we are already preparing for the booster vaccination; one dose will be enough


“We are already preparing for this booster shot. We see that we will need some additional adjustments in the legislation, but basically the main message is that, in consultation with specialists and following the latest information, we are moving to the fact that it seems that a A single dose will be enough for the booster vaccination, but we still have to deal with that, A. Dulkys told reporters.

So far, the minister has not been able to answer when a third dose of the vaccine will be necessary.

“The whole situation with vaccines happened so quickly that some research still takes time. Scientists see those first experiences, I think we will get them soon, but the main message is that we are moving towards a (dose – aut.p.)” repeated A. Dulkys.

When asked if the first vaccinated doctors in the country are being tested for the amount of antibodies they have, the minister said the system is still being developed.

“It just came to our attention then. You’ve already felt the hot topic, but she still needs to research, she needs to analyze, she needs to research for some group. I don’t have those answers today,” said A. Dulkys.

Assessed the situation: the nature of war is changing

When asked to comment on the current epidemiological situation, the minister said that “the nature of our war against the virus is currently changing.”

Arūnas Dulkys

Arūnas Dulkys

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

“If there was a time when we ran for the virus and it led us, now with vaccines and tests, we are starting to be proactive and identify more patients ourselves, because tests help detect, deal with outbreaks, more outbreaks. quickly, “he added. said A. Dust.

Today, he said, the first good trends are visible.

“But we do not relax because we see it as a constant race against the virus,” said the Health Minister.

The accusations of the members of the Seimas are rejected

After receiving reproaches, supposedly for fear of appearing at the Seimas, A. Dulkys affirms that teleworking is effective.

“It seems to me that we expect innovative solutions from all over Lithuania during the pandemic, but somehow it seems to others that remote meetings are not meetings. It has never happened that I did not meet anyone, did not communicate, did not participate,” commented the Minister.

Powder: we are already preparing for the booster vaccination;  one dose will be enough

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

According to him, it is natural that in tense times, work on the schedule sometimes overlaps.

“It is telework that creates even more opportunities, it is much more efficient, I can participate much more in a day than I could do it live. It seems to me that these are work-related habits, and we all need to reconcile those habits. I believe that all meetings should be held with respect, both those that are held live and those that are held remotely ”, emphasized A. Dulkys.

He does not plan to go to Šiauliai: invite experienced mobbing doctors to meet

The minister also stated that he had no plans to visit the Republican Šiauliai hospital in the near future, which was recently shocked by the suicide of a doctor who suffered psychological harassment.

“I will not go soon because I have very professional advisers in this field from day one and we wanted to see this issue the way it should be done professionally. Yes, I communicate both with family members and with the medical community there, but I don’t do it with the help of the media, ”said A. Dulkys.

According to him, in the first days after the incident, a team of mobile psychologists and other specialists were dispatched to the scene.

“Today the group of change initiated by me begins to work, which includes not only employees of the Ministry of Health, but also scientists from Vilnius University, representatives of the State Labor Inspectorate, there are non-governmental organizations,” said the Minister. .

Silent action at Šiauliai Hospital

Silent action at Šiauliai Hospital

© Photo by L. Gorodnichenko

The change group, he also noted, will also collaborate with other medical groups and the media.

“The work begins, there will be a group and a place, all the conditions will be created so that people can present their information anonymously and securely, speak, give us valuable information, so that we can make decisions that are not temporary, but irreversible and systematic.

Taking the opportunity, I would like to invite the people of this medical institution to trust this group and provide them with all the necessary information ”, emphasized A. Dulkys.

However, he emphasized that changes were necessary in the entire medical system, not only in the Šiauliai Hospital, because, as A. Dulkys admitted, he had received information about similar problems of harassment in other institutions in the country.

“Invite all Lithuanian medical institutions where such things sit to make a certain move and address us. (…) Let’s solve this problem in the end with regard to all of Lithuania, “added the minister.

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