Powder: if vaccine amounts are the same, 70 percent this year. society will not be vaccinated


Vaccine levels could be higher

The third shipment of coronavirus vaccines manufactured by BioNTech and Pfizer arrived in Lithuania on Monday morning.

According to the Ministry of Health (SAM), the shipment with 20 thousand. 475 doses arrived in Lithuania by plane from Germany at 9 a.m. and were taken to the warehouses of the Sanitary Emergency Center, where they were placed in special low-temperature refrigerators. New doses of the vaccine will arrive in the country’s main hospitals on Tuesday.

A. Dulkys told the show that although the size of vaccine shipments is not impressive, without the joint purchase organized by the European Commission (EC), Lithuania would not have received a higher dose.

“That point of order, let’s be objective, I think that if Lithuania and other small EU countries had done it completely independently, I don’t know if the situation would have been better. The last business days send some positive signals. If it was very unpleasant in the last days of December, people expect something to be said, but we did not have any information, like other EU countries. Now we have more of that information, ”he said on the show.

Powder: if vaccine amounts are the same, 70 percent this year.  society will not be vaccinated

© Kaunas Clinics

The Minister recalled that vaccine shipments must arrive in Lithuania on Mondays throughout January. And this would strengthen the medical community, staff and patients in nursing homes and nursing homes.

“It seems that we should get vaccinated every week starting in January, there is a regularity. It seems that these quantities will not be very large, they will be about 20 thousand weekly vaccinations. This is already important, such quantities would mean that in January we would have the opportunity to strengthen our medical community, nursing staff and nursing homes and patients. That is already a lot, “he emphasized.

A. Dulkys admitted that the amounts could be higher.

“Yes, I would like those amounts to be higher. But if we look objectively, countries like Sweden have received the same first amounts. In Europe, it was divided according to population,” said the minister.

Dulkys said he expected to see news of other coronavirus vaccines registered in January.

The Minister of Health had to admit that if the number of vaccine shipments arriving in Lithuania continues to change, in 2021 it is not expected to vaccinate 70 percent of the population.

“At the current rate, we would not reach the desired 70 percent this year. But if in a month, next year, manufacturers will start supplying vaccines in larger quantities, then I think 2021 will be the year that we will address this problem. ”Said Minister A. Dulkys.

How is the tail formed?

The first doses of the vaccine in Lithuania were administered to doctors working with coronavirus.

The Minister of Health presented in the Delfi program what vaccines can expect in the future.

“The first group are employees of personal health care institutions that provide services to people with coronavirus. (…) Then the second group is the medical community, which works in resuscitation, intensive care, reception, emergency services, its staff. Another group are high risk patients: chronic diseases, transplants, complex diseases. Then, the other group is all the other employees of the health system who provide hospitalization services, ”said the minister.

Powder: if vaccine amounts are the same, 70 percent this year.  society will not be vaccinated

© Vidmantas Balkūnas

The public will be vaccinated according to age groups, in order of priority.

More on this will be discussed at a press conference organized by the Ministry of Health (SAM) on Tuesday. The order of precedence was not invented by politicians, it was pointed out by experts.

Key indicators of the pandemic

At the end of December, data experts and analysts have yet to see the effect of a stricter quarantine.

A. Dulkys assured that an objective evaluation of the situation requires 4 to 5 weeks from the measures introduced.

“Experts believe that only after the Three Wise Men will the day begin when we will obtain some figures and from which we can analyze the situation,” the minister explained.

“You still have to be patient and wait,” urged the interlocutor.

The head of the Ministry of Health A. Dulkys discussed what indicators and how they should change so that it is already clear that the situation is under control.

“In conversations with experts, I have the impression that we need such a comprehensive set of three key indicators. That would be an indication that the healthcare system is back on track, operating its own car and trying to solve the problems itself. “, said.

The Minister explained that in the first place, the effective reproductive size of the virus should be less than 1. Another indicator is the percentage of positive tests of all the tests carried out, without reducing the scope of the tests, this number should be around 5 per percent, now exceeds 20 percent. And the third: the number of new cases registered per day should be reduced to 200 cases.

Powder: If vaccine amounts are the same, 70 percent this year.  society will not be vaccinated

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“We need to reach all these indicators and hold them for about 7 days. This would be the time to say that we are fighting the virus normally, we are no longer infecting it, ”said A. Dulkys as an indicator of the improvement in the situation.

The Minister of Health agreed with the program that it is hardly possible to quickly achieve all these indicators.

“We all understand that it is human, we all want it to be fast. (…) The inner expectation of the people is so high, everyone feels so much tension, tired of spring, we often want to hear what we want to hear. But we will have to concentrate, “the Minister of Health spoke about the long struggle on the” Delfi Tema “program.

A. Dulkys also agreed that people and themselves should take months to fight coronavir, not weeks and days.

“Yes, Lithuania has been named one of the safest countries in various studies for many years. There have never been any major cataclysms in our country. And we, as a society, are used to such complex things,” Minister A. Dulkys commented in the program.

You will have to get used to the new routine

Since mid-December, the extremely strict quarantine has been a nuisance to the public. The minister said that we must all actively address the coronavirus crisis, follow instructions.

“I don’t think we should be the pessimists who just complain about everything, we say that the wind is bad all the time. But we must not be optimistic that they will sit still and wait for that wind to change on its own. That means we have to go up on deck, drive, ”said the minister.

He asked for the determination that life would no longer be what it was. Once a crisis is over, others are expected.

“And I want to point out to forecasters that perhaps we should understand that this is very likely to become our daily routine. This crisis, this viral situation, is not something that we survive and then we will do everything again after seniority and there will be nothing. But it is very likely that climate change and the very rapid aging of society in Lithuania are future problems ”, pointed out the interlocutor as possible future problems.

Arūnas Dulkys, Ingrida Šimonytė

Arūnas Dulkys, Ingrida Šimonytė

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

He said they would need crisis planning processes.

“So, crisis management, planning, organization of reserves, measures, preparation plans. All this should already be part of our routine, not because of the bird. As in other countries where there are volcanoes, wars, earthquakes. People are already used to the need to be trained in such situations all the time, ”said Minister A. Dulkys.

The crisis has exposed systemic problems

The National Center for Public Health (NVSC) reported 800 unaccounted deaths a few weeks ago, then revised the information to a new figure of nearly 1,200 deaths.

A. Dulkys instructed the head of the Robertas Petraitis center to explain this situation in writing. On January 7, the Minister will present a balance of this situation.

On the Delfi program, the minister said that the coronavirus crisis had exposed inefficient public sector processes.

“As long as there is no crisis in the quality of our work, the problems and incompatibilities of information technologies remain on the sidelines, no one notices. Organizations with 600-700 people are funded for a variety of IT solutions, which is the way they live and have no incentive to improve. It seems to me that this whole story is an example ”, said the minister.

Arūnas Dulkys

Arūnas Dulkys

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

The interviewee assured that these are only the first questions he asked, he promises to ask them not only to the NVSC, but also to other organizations.

“I believe that those responsible for public sector organizations and institutions should decide not through the press, but through specific work, in accordance with the established procedure. I don’t want to say that there was something insignificant here, I just want to warn that there is only a sign of an uncoordinated process, ”he said.

The minister acknowledged that it will not surprise him that there are more situations of this type.

“Apparently that data management is our Achilles heel,” Dulkys said on the show.

Germany promises to vaccinate the public in December 2021

Journalists from the German publication Bild have drawn up a possible vaccination plan in Germany for the entire year 2021.

From January to May, high-risk patients, people over 80 years old, medical personnel working with coronavirus patients will be vaccinated.

From May to around July, high-risk patients, ages 75 to 80, are promised that they will continue to vaccinate doctors.

Vaccination is expected to begin in August for people 65 to 70 years old and in October for people 60 to 65 years old.

And all those under the age of 60 in Germany must get vaccinated in December 2021.

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