Postponed concert-experiment is accompanied by chaos: without permission, more complaints | Names


15 minutes has already written about the first planned experimental concert in Lithuania with 2000 spectators “Carnival experiment with Boris Brejcha”. Initially, it was considered that it would take place in Vingis Park, Kalnai Park or Kaunas “Žalgiris” Arena.

It is true that the first two options were rejected because the Vilnius city municipality did not issue a permit, and the version of the arena “Žalgiris”, according to the organizer, was no longer suitable, because according to current requirements, the spectators could only sit on it.

The last hope of holding an experimental concert at the Kaunas S. Darius and S. Girėnas airfield also fell. “We lost the festival venue,” was written on the event organizer’s page. After all, the airport director is Justas Limanauskas at the time. 15 minutes He explained that the event could not be held because of the organizers, who did not fulfill their obligations.

 Scanpix “nuotr./Boris Brejcha

 Scanpix “nuotr./Boris Brejcha

It seems that the organizer of all these postponed events, Vitalijus Litvinenko, who currently heads the Public Institution “Culture, Art, Entertainment”, continues to surrender: he announces the concert (it is no longer an experiment, because the quarantine has ended). The event location is also announced on the ticket distributor’s Paysera Tickets website.

You don’t have a permit yet, but the tickets were sold?

15 minutes contacted the Klaipėda City Municipality to find out if permission had been granted for the event, which will take place on July 11. By the way, before that Karolis Žukauskas, councilor to the mayor of Vilnius 15 minutes said V. Litvinenkas had started selling tickets for the event before finding a dialogue with the Vilnius city municipality. K.Žukauskas described this behavior as inconsistent.

Today’s V. Litvinenko cooperation with the Klaipeda City Municipality is similar. How 15 minutes Marius Poimanskis, head of the municipal public order department, revealed that they are currently in talks with V. Litvinenko, but that some of their obligations have not yet been fulfilled, so the municipality is in no rush to grant permission for the concert to occur.

“We work with him, we communicate, but he is very successful. He has not yet fulfilled his obligations, and when he does, we will issue a permit,” commented M. Poimanskis.

Irmantas Gelūnas fan / 15min / Jordana Butkutė fans hang out on the Klaip deda summer stage

Irmantas Gelūnas / 15min photo / Fans of Jordana Butkutė are on the summer stage of Klaip escenarioda

When asked how he values ​​that, although the concert permit has not been issued, but tickets are already being sold, M. Poimanskis stated that the municipality cannot order the ticket dealer whether to sell tickets or not. However, you have spoken with Paysera Tickets and asked them to wait until the organizer has fulfilled all its obligations. This platform is said to have promised at the time that ticket sales would be suspended.

On Friday, M. Poimanskis assured that he had called the ticket dealer again and said that although at first glance it seems that the tickets are for sale on his website, they are not, currently it is impossible to buy a ticket for Boris Brejcha. concert.

SAfter contacting Paysera Tickets and saying that he wanted to buy a ticket for the Boris Brejcha concert, different information was provided on the same day: the consultant who checked the ticket distribution system said that the sale of tickets for the concert was carried out as usual.

This information particularly surprised the head of the Public Order Department of the Klaipėda Municipality. However, he noted that a permit is not necessary if tickets are to be sold in advance. More specifically, it is essential to comply with the obligations on the date specified for the granting of the permit.

“We will wait for the fulfillment of all obligations until 3 days before the event,” said M. Poimanskis, adding that he would not cooperate with the event organizer in any other case. photo / Klaipėda municipality photo / Klaipėda municipality

According to M. Poimanski, until now, V. Litvinenko had not yet signed some contracts, had agreed with some institutions a public order plan and had not paid the rent for the place.

The last conversation with V. Litvinenko was strange to M. Poimanski. “He said someone was dead, so he couldn’t do something,” the man said.

The delicate history did not convince the municipality: the conditions for the organizer were not alleviated.

Lithuania is not on the artist’s tour schedule.

There were other changes in ticket sales for the experimental carnival: the prices of some tickets fell from 120 to 20 euros. All of this has been reported due to the fact that coronavirus testing is no longer mandatory as the number of cases decreases. The carnival was also divided into two days: the first day is a planned carnival, the musical part of which is not specified, but the price is indicated, only 20 euros.

It is also written here that the first part of the event will be free for those who still have tickets to the Sound Traffik events that did not take place in 2019 and 2020: Halloween Carnival and Great Easter 2020.

The long-awaited star should appear on the second day of the event, DJ Boris Brejcha, so the price is correspondingly higher, starting at 29 euros.

What is offered to those who bought tickets for the Boris Brejcha carnival at a higher price? For now, on the official website of the concert on Facebook, “Sound Traffik” indicates that those who have bought tickets for 59 euros will be able to stand closer to the stage.

However, Boris Brejcha, who contributed to the promotion of the event from the beginning, no longer does so; currently Lithuania is not even included in their tour schedule, nor does they distribute tickets on their official website.

15 minutes Boris Brejcha himself also addressed the situation, and his response is currently awaited.

Screenshot / Boris Brejcha does not mention Lithuania in his music tour

Screenshot / Boris Brejcha does not mention Lithuania in his music tour

Complaints, bankruptcies and lies

15 minutes contacted the State Service for the Protection of Consumer Rights (SCRPA), whose representative assured that SCRPA is currently processing 8 written requests from consumers for non-refundable tickets for lost / relocated events to Culture, Arts, Entertainment.

No mood prevails on the page “”. As you have already written 15 minutes, more than five years ago, a complaint was left here that Sound Traffik is not fulfilling its obligations, the head of the company was found here as a scammer.

“This organizer does not pay the performers, volunteers, does not return deposits. They advertise the DJs until the end, but they do not play because they did not pay for the plane tickets. It also ignores any requests to pay for the beauty, usually sending to his henchmen, “reads a comment posted in 2015.

In the same 2020, Sound Traffik went bankrupt, then V. Litvinenko founded a new Public Institution of Culture, Art, Entertainment and continued its activities.

Ironically, although the name of the company is different, the Facebook organizer continues to present the name of the bankrupt company Sound Traffik.

The misinformation provided by V. Litvinenko generated an even greater feeling of lack of trust for those who cooperated with the Public Institution Culture, Art, Entertainment or Sound Traffik.

Like before 15 minutes Karolis Žukauskas, advisor to the mayor of Vilnius, explained that his decision not to cooperate with V. Litvinenko’s company was also influenced by his lie. In a letter to the Vilnius city municipality, he spoke about the experimental event with the support of the National Public Health Center (NVSC) and the ministries, but it turns out that there was no support from these institutions.

Furthermore, K.Žukauskas did not hide from the market experts after hearing negative comments about said organizer. Read more about the ambitions and lies of V. Litvinenko to the Vilnius city municipality here.

Unable to contact the organizer

15 minutes I have repeatedly tried to contact the event organizer V.Litvinenko, but so far it failed: the phone number indicated in the company details is deactivated and V.Litvinenko does not answer the personal number. He and his email have yet to be answered. by mail.

How to get your money back?

VVTAT 15 minutes acknowledged frequently asked questions about how to get money back for lost or delayed gigs. As a result, the service agreed to share tips that are relevant to Lithuanians in an unpleasant situation.

“If the event did not occur due to quarantine restrictions, the procedure approved by special law will be followed. These are: the consumer can be offered a different date, a coupon for the services of another event or, if the opportunities offered are not taken advantage of, the money will be returned.

These provisions apply to contracts for the organization of events held before 2020. March 15 inclusive (assessed when the first contract for the event was concluded) and when the event would take place during the quarantine ban period or 3 months after the lifting of quarantine bans. The above provisions do not apply to contracts concluded with consumers for event organization services, which are terminated before the entry into force of the law, that is, before it. subway. May 13, ”according to a letter sent to SCRPA.

The Authority emphasizes that in the event that the matter is not resolved in good faith, the consumer has the right to request the SCRPA. In this case, the request must be submitted, a copy of the request to the service provider, a copy of the service provider’s response, copies of the tickets and a copy of the document confirming the payment of the services (email tarnyba @ vvtat .lt or in writing to Vilniaus St. 25, Vilnius).

“If the cancellation of an event does not imply quarantine restrictions and the consumer does not receive all or part of the prepaid services (in this case the event for which the tickets were paid in advance), this is considered a breach of contract and Contrary to the law “contracts must be respected”, which is enshrined in article 6.189 (1) of the Civil Code.

It should also be noted that contractual civil liability is a pecuniary obligation arising from the breach or improper performance of a contract to which one of the parties is entitled to claim damages and the other party is responsible for paying damages for breach or improper performance. performance, such as money paid for tickets to a lost event.

In this case, the consumer must first contact the service provider (in this case, the event organizer) in writing with a written claim and establish their requirements. It is necessary to keep the document that confirms the payment of the tickets (purchase receipt, account statement of the payment card, etc.) and tickets to the event.

If the Service Provider does not agree with the user’s requirements, it must provide a detailed and reasoned written response based on documents no later than 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the user’s request. If the service provider does not respond within the specified time limit or responds negatively, the consumer has the right to request an alternative (out-of-court) dispute resolution procedure from the SCRPA. “
