Possible changes: already planned to abolish alcohol bans adopted by farmers


Stormy audience debate

This topic has been hotly debated by Knowledge Radio listeners.

Audrius, a “Question of the Day” listener, said he did not want the current restrictions relaxed.

“No, I would not. In my opinion, everything is fixed, some accept, others destroy. (…) That then we will never have a normal order and a systematization. Because if we gather others every four years, there is a struggle with the former. , with the windmills. We look for who did what wrong, what some parties don’t like, what they don’t like. It is an unnecessary waste of all our money, “he said.

Algis was also against lifting the restrictions.

“I am categorically against destruction, maybe I don’t feel it in the big cities, but I feel it a lot in the towns. Men get confused, they drink, there is no where to buy, they skate home and they no longer drink, ”he said.

Listener Mindaugas was surprised on the radio that advertising for non-alcoholic alcoholic beverages is still allowed. Because they, according to the listener, encourage the purchase of alcoholic beverages.
Albina, who called news radio, said she could only see positive changes in these bans while living in the countryside.

Possible changes: already planned to abolish alcohol bans adopted by farmers

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

“I live in the field and I see very positive changes during those four years. Time limits and alcohol bans are just liberals’ knowledge that it seems pretty bad here. Young people used to drink day and night, run across the street to buy a bottle, die, shut up with a car, it is already going down ”, said the woman.

Offers to talk about advertising and working hours

Rūta Vainienė, the executive director of the Lithuanian Business Enterprise Association (LPĮA), an economist, stated in the program that the extremely strict restrictions did not achieve all the goals set out above. The economist hinted that they are worth reviewing some time after the restrictions have been introduced: if planned changes are coming, they don’t need to be adjusted, and if they don’t work, they should be abolished.

“We say that you have to review it because there is already experience, practice. Data that can be talked about, ”said the economist on news radio.

He said that so far he has only presented a proposal for discussion to the parties that make up the ruling coalition, not concrete changes.

“They are very vague, we just set out to start a discussion and review – on the restriction of business hours and the other – a general ban on advertising. When there may be a discount, but you can’t advertise about it ”, R. Vainienė discussed the lack of logic in the current order.



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The interlocutor assured that the other government would not have made such proposals for discussion.

“I look forward to that debate so that it is possible to get back to it. If this will be considered it will be a later discussion. We would not make such proposals to another government. If you came up with provisions to reduce the bans, this is an opportunity to review them. I think that it’s a calm and cultural review, “he said.

When the listener of the show asked who needed these changes: the buyer or the merchant, R. Vainienė explained that it is the consumers who speak the lips of the merchants.

Reaching your target audience?

Simonas Gentvilas, representative of the Liberal Movement of the Republic of Lithuania, parliamentarian, stated in the program that even if some restrictions are lifted, the responsibility of the population must be increased in parallel.

“But freedom and greater freedom mean parallel and responsibility. We need to talk about alcohol being addictive and responsible government should not work on behalf of merchants to make it more drinkable. However, any release must go hand in hand with the prevention of addictive disorders ”, he emphasized.

The politician assured that the prevention system is not working at all in Lithuania at present.

“That’s right, we need to unleash the nonsense that was most radical in Europe, only we will not intoxicate the nation with bans,” said the liberal.

S. Gentvilas said that in some areas the requirements in Lithuania are the strictest in the whole of Europe.

“I think we have over-regulated this area and we have the strictest regulation in Europe, even pages ripped from magazine pages. The result has not been achieved, and that is that addicts still do it, many of them and those who consume it gourmet. I am almost guaranteed that these few bans will be lifted, ”he explained.

“It just came to our knowledge then. And in this case, it wasn’t. I think it will be necessary to lift and liberalize many restrictions. All other parties agree to this. But it must go hand in hand with responsibility, because freedoms without them they are anarchism, “said politician S. Gentvilas on the radio newscast.

Call not to stop

Tomas Tomilinas, representative of the Lithuanian Union of Peasants and Greens (LVŽS), said he was not at all surprised by the plans to lift some of the bans.

“We know very well what values ​​and ideas a number of liberals represent. We understand that there is a lot of money and the desire to return to Lithuania what is not very necessary. (…) We have a public interest in seeing a higher goal, the whole country. After all, the women of the regions are very happy with these decisions, ”she assured.

Speaking of the improvement of the situation, T. Tomilin said that the main aspect is better health indicators.

“Now is not the time to stop in the middle of the vote,” the politician said. At the same time, he hoped the Conservatives would not support him.



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Advertising insurance – effective

Dr. Mindaugas Štelemėkas, Director of the Health Research Institute of the Faculty of Public Health of the Lithuanian Health Sciences University (LSMU), emphasized that the ban on advertising of alcoholic beverages is effective.

“Lithuania has simply gone further because it has implemented a total ban on the advertising of alcoholic beverages. (…) The advertising ban is effective. (…) The WHO identifies the most effective measures: raise prices through excise taxes, reduce availability and restrict advertising. This is more affected by young people – adolescents, people who consume relatively little alcohol, “said the interlocutor.

The LSMU representative emphasized that the ban on advertising is future-oriented, so there would be as few alcohol-dependent people as possible in society.

“Education does not work as a separate measure, only complex measures, which include prohibitions, work. Advertising bans and age restrictions are an investment in our youth. Because it is through these people that new habits are developed, a new generation of drinkers, ”said M. Štelemėkas on the program.

Call not to rush

Health Minister Aurelius Veryga said he did not understand the arguments he was making to explain the desire to drop certain alcohol bans. He urged the new rulers to wait.

“But I really don’t understand the arguments for doing it. Do those submitting proposals mean that very little is drunk in Lithuania? (…) I would definitely suggest that the liberal-minded politicians who actively communicated during the election campaign wait a bit, because Lithuania will be valued by international experts for everything. (…) And if they say that there is a surplus here, that they have done nothing and have reduced it, then perhaps they will make those decisions, ”Minister A. Veryga told the radio newscast.
