Portugal reached the futsal world final after a series of penalties


The Portuguese footballers became the second finalists in the FIFA Futsal World Championship, which defeated the Kazakh team in the second semi-final of the penalty shootout arena at Kaunas Arena. Time for the main game is up eleven, extension – 2: 2.

Despite the fact that the Portuguese are considered the favorites of the duel, their rivals did not even think of giving up. Meeting the Portuguese up close, the Kazakhstan hall footballers broke the rules twice in just two minutes. A minute later, they sent the ball to the goal net, but the joy did not last long: the Portuguese asking the Portuguese to review the episode recorded that the ball had left the field limits, so it was not reached according to the rules.

Even this failure did not bring the Kazakhs out of cancer. In the first half, they continued to look for opportunities in the opposing goal and at the same time repeatedly forced goalkeeper Bebe to work. And he worked with confidence: in the first half he never thought that the ball could enter the goal net. It is true that at the end of the half, after a strong blow, the ball strongly shook the structure of the Portuguese goal. The Portuguese responded with some harmless blows.

The home team worked hard to get through the middle and as a result had a good chance to come back when Pany Varela tried to lift the ball over the goalkeeper. Kazachai was left claiming the corner that everyone had seen except the referee.

Logic seemed to dictate that after missing the goal, the Kazakhs should advance further, but the outlook on the field was the opposite. It was when the Portuguese rushed forward that in a few minutes they created some of their most dangerous chances.

With no place to retire, the Kazakh national team began to include goalkeeper Leo Higuit in their attacks. The latter made up to three extremely dangerous blows in the middle of the half (one ball at a time shook the gate frame), and after those blows, the Kazakhs took the initiative into their own hands.

Portuguese goalkeeper Bebe repeatedly saved his team and the main time of the match was coming to an end without a break. With 76 seconds to go, the Kazakhs replaced their goalkeeper with a fifth player and in just half a minute it was a huge benefit. Fooling the opponents, even two players from this country found themselves close to the goal defended by Bebe and one of them (Dauren Nurgožinas) tied the result from several centimeters.

The teams moved to an extension. For the Portuguese team, this was the third extension in this championship. And it started with a foul by the Portuguese and a foul by Douglas Junior. After playing just a minute away, the Kazakhs went ahead for the first time in this match.

Without reaching the end, the Portuguese caused the fifth foul of the opponents, settled completely on the side of the opposite field and tied the result of the second minute of the second overtime. No more goals were scored, so the second series of penalties was expected in this championship.

The spells led the Kazakhs to begin that series. The start was not successful, D. Junior did not notice his penalty. Four strokes later resulted in goals, but P. Varela interrupted the series of accurate shots. The fate of the winner was determined by the fifth attempt. Arnoldo Knaubo’s penalty was well placed but Tiago Brito hit the mark and blocked it spectacularly.

Portugal is on its way to the final phase, where it will face Argentina. Kazakhstan remains a bronze medal consolation match with Brazil in the championship. Last day: the third (Sunday) of October.

The match for third place starts at 6 p.m. and the final at 8 p.m.
