politicians jumped into lifeboats first


For his part, Paulė Kuzmickienė, a member of the Seimas Health Affairs Committee, said that vaccinating parliamentarians with the AstraZeneca vaccine is above all a leadership commitment and an important message for much of society.

Confidence – “miserably low”

I. Kačinskaitė-Urbonienė, a member of the working faction, stated on the Lietuvos Rytas television program “Nespaudai” that vaccinating members of the Seimas will not only not improve confidence in the vaccine, but may even worsen it.

“This situation can be compared to the sinking of the Titanic: it is reported that we will receive more aid soon, there will be more lifeboats and politicians will jump into the boats on board first.

This has such a negative effect in the sense that “Everything will be fine, there will be enough vaccinations and wait a bit, the authorities will now be vaccinated.” It seems to me that that feeling of dishonesty, injustice, a bit of that deceit in people can increase, the emotional background can get even worse than it is now. Therefore, people can have a rejection reaction, ”said I. Kačinskaitė-Urbonienė.

Furthermore, according to her, confidence in the Seimas is “woefully low”. I. Kačinskaitė-Urbonienė said that he welcomed the decision of the highest state leaders to get vaccinated, because their trust in society is high, but the vaccination of Seimas members will not give the effect that the rulers are talking about.

“If we take the example of the Seimas, on average only about 30 percent trust the Seimas. Members of society. Is it possible to say that the fact that the members of the Seimas are vaccinated will also increase confidence in the vaccination process? “It seems to me that it really is not,” said a Labor Group spokeswoman.

Open Pandora’s box

The Seimas member agreed that this decision could really create the effect of Pandora’s box: on Wednesday, the mayor of Lazdijai district municipality, Ausma Miškinienė, asked to expand the list of priority vaccines to include mayors and “authorities. and local municipal leaders “.

“Mayors, influential government officials, elders, then that list becomes endless,” said I. Kačinskaitė-Urbonienė.

“I do not agree categorically: as long as the safety of the most important people in contact, who are now a priority and have not yet been vaccinated, is not guaranteed, we do not even have the right to speak of broader exceptions. It seems to me that such changes show a lack of understanding of the situation, “he added.

An important message

Conservative Paulė Kuzmickienė, member of the Seimas Health Affairs Committee, recalled that the decision to vaccinate the members of the Seimas AstraZeneca is above all a commitment to leadership, which is important for people in the country who doubt this vaccine.

“We can all remember the sinister reports last week that caused some confusion about the AstraZeneca vaccine. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has confirmed that the vaccine is safe, but it must be recognized that the vaccine has suffered some reputational damage. .

In my opinion, the vaccination of both the Head of State, the Government and the members of the Seimas only with AstraZeneca is a leadership commitment and a communication message, ”said P. Kuzmickienė.

The Seimas member pointed out that an important part of the priority group, the elderly population, refused to be vaccinated with this vaccine. However, according to P. Kuzmickienė, comments from people living in regions of the country give the impression that it is really important for people to see that politicians are vaccinated with this vaccine.

Does it overlap with the inability to telecommute?

At that time, I. Kačinskaitė-Urbonienė is convinced that the real reason why parliamentarians get vaccinated as a priority is the inability of the Seimas to organize remote work and to cover up their disability with the lack of vaccines.

“I see this mainly as the inability of the management to organize the work properly, I think that a privilege when the police, some doctors, teachers, others who work in the service sector are not vaccinated and do not even have the opportunity when those vaccines are lacking, some They are not even invited “This should not happen, in this case we are setting an inappropriate example,” argued the member of Seimas.

According to her, the members of the Seimas could work in contact if the same regular testing methods were applied, which will now be implemented throughout Lithuania, according to the mandatory tests for employees established by the Seimas on Tuesday. I.Kačinskaitė-Urbonienė herself said that she would be vaccinated when it was her turn.

For his part, P. Kuzminckienė stated that in the conservative faction there were no doubts about vaccination with the AstraZeneca vaccine.

“Given the fact that certain vaccines have done more, it is ‘standing’ because we see that there is mistrust in society, there was no doubt if we would vaccinate ourselves and set an example. It is not a question of priorities, but of leadership ”, emphasized the member of the Seimas.

Ms. Kuzmickienė also disagrees with statements that the AstraZeneca vaccine crisis and the vaccination of Seimas members masked the inability of parliamentarians to work remotely: No one really dramatized that someone couldn’t organize something. “
