Political scientist L.Kojala married a resident doctor I.Radzevičiūtė at the Sanctuary of Mercy | Names


L.Kojala and I.Radzevičiūtė decided to pledge eternal love for each other, not at the civil registry office, but before God; they said the fateful “yes” at the Vilnius Mercy Sanctuary in the capital’s old town.

“There was no need to persuade or argue with each other on this aspect, because our visions and expectations of how we would like those holidays to be meaningful coincided. We feel that it is important not only in legal terms, but also more generally terms of person-to-person contacts, ”he said. 15 minutes the groom spoke.

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Linas Kojala and Ieva Radzevičiūtė's wedding moment

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Linas Kojala and Ieva Radzevičiūtė’s wedding moment

There was also no controversy about other details of the wedding, since both Linas and Eve knew perfectly what they wanted from today. Therefore, the celebration was organized quite quickly.

“Probably the only challenge, fear, was related to the pandemic: if to get married at the end of June, if not there will be a strict quarantine at that time and it may be necessary to consider changing the date. This was the only dilemma unanswered until early. June. But when it turned out that everything was going for the better, we were very happy, “said Linas.

Married after L. Kojala, I. Radzevičiūtė chose the man’s last name and became Kojaliene.

And after the ceremony in the church, it is time for the western part, a gala dinner at the hotel.

Wedding moments – in the gallery:

When planning the scale of the celebration, loved ones stayed in the middle: the wedding was not planned by the little ones, but neither was it pompous.

“The most important thing is to have a good time with your closest friends and family. Even more so because this is the first stay for all of us after a long break, quarantine restrictions,” said L. Kojala.

Therefore, the newlyweds decided to choose a more modest form, without intricate solutions of dresses or wedding rings. The latter chose the classics, he did not exaggerate this topic.

“Maybe we did it on purpose in such a way that the evening would be just good, it’s not too obligatory for the guests and for us to feel comfortable, not get caught in some kind of frame. So that everyone can enjoy us, but at the same time have a good time. That is our main objective – to make everything organic and without creating something complicated ”, – with wedding details 15 minutes shared with Linas.

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Linas Kojala and Ieva Radzevičiūtė's wedding moment

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Linas Kojala and Ieva Radzevičiūtė’s wedding moment

The couple also did not give gifts, they say this is far from the most important thing.

“The best gift for us is that night after all the months of pandemic. Of course, the quarantine continues, but we should be glad that the situation is at least a little better, that we are together and can communicate. I think this is it. the best gift for us and our guests. And all those material things, tangible objects are really secondary, third, “said the political scientist.

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Linas Kojala and Ieva Radzevičiūtė's wedding moment

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Linas Kojala and Ieva Radzevičiūtė’s wedding moment

Linas does not hide the fact that the last week before the wedding was more tense, but in general the couple watched the celebration calmly, they hoped that everything would go well.

“We just looked at the weather forecasts so it didn’t get too hot or any other troublesome air waves caught up.” But everything else really gave us hope that our expectation of having a good time would come true, ”said the political scientist happily.

And what kind of wedding without a honeymoon? It will be, but symbolic: due to the pandemic, the couple will not go abroad yet, they will spend time in quiet and cozy places in Lithuania, surrounded by nature.

“We have chosen the simplest and least risky option. And in the future, when the world manages to get out of the mud of a pandemic, we may travel more. But it will probably advance a year or two,” commented L. Kojala.

Married life doesn’t scare him at all: “I don’t think a lot of things change in life by itself.”

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Linas Kojala and Ieva Radzevičiūtė's wedding moment

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Linas Kojala and Ieva Radzevičiūtė’s wedding moment

The acquaintance started online

Linas should be grateful to meet Eve for her book “Europe?”

“I just loved the fact that a person who has no contact with politics, with international relations, started reading the book. And he not only took, but also saw the meaning, and then wrote to the author to rejoice in it. I really liked it, that’s why the conversation started to develop, which continues today, “smiled L. Kojala.

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Linas Kojala and Ieva Radzevičiūtė's wedding moment

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Linas Kojala and Ieva Radzevičiūtė’s wedding moment

After praying, and who was the initiator of greater knowledge, Lin laughs that she will probably respond one way and Eva another.

“Eve could tell the innuendo was mine and I was hers. Clearly, it wasn’t the next day or three days later. We corresponded for a few weeks, we already got to know each other a bit and probably understand that the little ones are the least worth the trouble. It’s a shame to speak live, because the written conversation seemed meaningful to both of us, ”said a well-known politician and scientist.

Lin makes no secret of the fact that it didn’t take long for him and Eve to become a couple: “We communicated intensively and quickly realized that it was worth trying to develop those relationships further.”

One of the first meeting places was Trakai. And soon there was an engagement, the details of which the couple would like to keep to themselves.

“We can only say that there was no pomp. A very personal moment. Only the closest people knew about it, “said L. Kojala.

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Linas Kojala and Ieva Radzevičiūtė's wedding moment

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Linas Kojala and Ieva Radzevičiūtė’s wedding moment

Different worlds complement each other

At the beginning of the couple’s relationship, Eve was a medical student. He is currently a resident psychiatrist. When asked if a doctor and a political scientist are a good duo, Linas has no doubts about it.

“Our worlds are a bit different in a professional sense, but at the same time it is interesting. Eve can tell you how you are doing at work, what the challenges are, especially during a pandemic, but she is also interested in knowing my field of activity. . It seems to me that this is becoming more and more understandable to him. For this reason, I think that in this case, two different worlds complement each other, “shared Linas.

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Linas Kojala and Ieva Radzevičiūtė's wedding moment

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Linas Kojala and Ieva Radzevičiūtė’s wedding moment

When asked if there were tests during the relationship, L. Kojala stated that they have been unavoidable in the recent period.

“It seems to me that we have all experienced a test in a pandemic format that has really affected our lives a lot. In that sense, I think we have even been lucky, because we have had a good opportunity to try to be together in extreme conditions, inexperienced circumstances.

The fact that we did it flawlessly only further strengthened the connection. If they overcome the pandemic together, what else could be so troublesome in life here? ”Linas reflected.

She was glad that her vision and Eve’s were no different when it came to family planning: “And here the principles and focus of life coincide. It’s not like we have a plan, but we’re just moving like we’re supposed to. “
