Police teams were waiting for Dulkis to go to Šilutė and Tauragė – they called to meet with sticks on social media


Several police teams were waiting

After such dangerous calls, the municipalities did not sit idly by. According to Aistė Šuksta, Advisor to the Minister of Health, when the representatives of the Ministry went to these cities, they initially did not understand why they did not encounter one, but even several police teams.

“We were surprised, we did not expect to see the police teams when we went to the vaccination center and the municipality. We wondered what was going on here, wasn’t it for us? There was not a crew, it is difficult to name exactly how many, but several ”, said the Minister’s adviser.

Not only the police teams were waiting for the minister, but also the neighbors who promised to come on social media. There were few people before vaccination in both cities, between 10 and 15 each. Some of them held signs, others asked the minister questions.

Arūnas Dulkys

Arūnas Dulkys

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

There were no incidents

However, police assistance was not necessary in any city.

Šilutė representatives said they had seen calls on social media from various groups to come with sticks and speak to the minister. As a result, the municipality itself took over the police teams.

The minister was asked questions at the meeting, but these people were more against the vaccine than against the minister. The police teams were in both Šilutė and Tauragė. People before vaccination spoke about the government’s right to carry out mandatory tests or paid PCR tests and thus limit access to activities. There were no overt threats, “said A. Šuksta.

According to her, there was no constructive conversation and constructive criticism from the hostile population: “Everyone has the right to speak and express their opinion, but it would also be fun to hear our arguments. The minister even stressed several times that the vaccine is the only effective way to protect against the delta strain. This is also shown by the Lithuanian research. “

Vaccine for coronavirus

Vaccine for coronavirus

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

A. Šuksta emphasized that after such events, the Minister will only travel to municipalities even more intensively and will talk about why vaccination is necessary.

The adviser to the mayor of Tauragė Šarūnė Stasytienė also confirmed that there were no incidents, but there were residents who were not satisfied with the vaccinations.

“There were people who were not satisfied with the vaccination but there were no threats. Everything went well, according to plan, I would say, without problems. Questions were opened about current trends. The main question was why get vaccinated and what would happen next, “said Š. Stasytienė.

In Šilutė, the police did not need to work either. After an interview with the mayor, A. Dulkys went to the vaccination center, where he was greeted by a group of people who opposed vaccines. There were no incidents.

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