Police spokesman: 169 people report kidnappings after the CityBee Business case


“169 people went to the police, who reported that the data had been kidnapped, so far we have no data to commit crimes with that data, use of money, theft, misappropriation of funds somewhere, we still do not have that data.” Law and Order of the Seimas A. Paulauskas said at the committee meeting.

However, he acknowledged that “the data is very widespread, there are more than a hundred copies of the database, an irreversible process has been carried out.” Police fear that the disclosed driver’s license data could be used to falsify driver’s licenses.

A police spokesman also confirmed that various versions were being investigated, ranging from piracy to giving free access to data.

“We are investigating more than one version that has been hacked, which may have been left free access, there are other versions of the investigation that I could not comment publicly due to the pre-trial investigation, pre-trial intensive investigation,” said a chief of police.

On Wednesday, the Seimas Law & Order Committee clarified the situation regarding the theft of customer data from the CityBee car-sharing platform.

Last week, the company reported that criminals posted 110,000 three-year-olds on one of the hackers’ favorite forums. your customer data. In addition to the first, last, and personally identifiable codes of some CityBee customers, phone numbers, email addresses, residential addresses, driver’s license numbers, and encrypted passwords were stolen.

The police opened a pre-trial investigation into the incident and other services are investigating the incident.
