Police discovered clandestine business group smuggling cigarettes and alcohol


Half a million euros in cash was found among the suspects, their rights to 1.2 million euros were restricted. euros in real estate, police said.

Officials of the Lithuanian Criminal Police Office, with the help of Pagėgiai border team officers, announce that they have identified a group of accomplices who illegally profit from the sale of goods subject to special taxes believed to have entered to the domestic market through contraband, i. and. active trading of them in the internal market.

During the search, forged documents were found, five people were detained, three of whom were arrested and two received more lenient detention measures.

One of the suspects offered a bribe to an official, leading to a pre-trial investigation against him and a bribe to a public official.

Two more people were interviewed as special witnesses.

Some of the detainees are known to the police, as they were previously convicted of similar acts. Police suspects are likely to widen the circle, according to police.

During the non-public investigation, officials from the Lithuanian Criminal Police Office gathered sufficient data showing that one of the group’s organizers, after having gathered a group of accomplices in Kaunas county, acquired, transported and sold more 100,000 articles through a well-organized network. packs of cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.

According to the police, suspects often registered property acquired through the criminal sale of excise goods on behalf of other people, disguised the sources of the acquisition of that property, and took certain legalization actions with it.

During the pre-trial investigation, officials inspected 12 suspicious residences, locations where potentially smuggled cigarettes and other excise goods were stored and sold during searches of a few days in Kaunas County.

About 21 thousand were found during the search. Illegal packets of cigarettes from Belarusian and Russian producers, as well as more than 200 liters of denatured or denatured ethyl alcohol mortars of unknown origin, packed in containers of leading alcohol producers.

According to the police, it will be investigated if these products are not counterfeited. The money obtained from the criminal activity was found in the house of the organizer of the criminal activity, in the auxiliary premises, in several hiding places: some 430 thousand were carefully hidden. euros and more than 82 thousand. British pounds: the total value of the money withdrawn exceeds half a million euros.

“The suspects were very careful in their criminal activities: they knew the methods of police investigation, they conspired, so counterintelligence measures were found during the search,” the police report said.

To compensate the state for the possible confiscation of the extended property, the ownership of the five vehicles and real estate seized during the search, the total value of which is more than 1.2 million, was restricted to the suspects. euros

“The suspects will have to find out about the origin of the money, real estate and other properties found during the search,” police said.

Due to these acts, a pre-trial investigation is conducted into the illegal removal of assets subject to excise duty, the legalization of criminally obtained assets, illegal enrichment and bribery, and the pre-trial investigation is conducted and organized by Prosecutors from the Second Prosecution Division of the Vilnius Regional Prosecutor’s Office.

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