Police conflict in Kaunas district


– What was your first thought when you saw Rido’s eruption?

– Allergy! For some reason, this time I didn’t go to pulmonologists and immunologists to do blood tests, skin prick samples, but decided to find a solution myself. Up to ten months, Rid only drank my milk, then I started breastfeeding. I tried not to run out of protein in my own diet. I really enjoyed the variety of dairy products. When I was worried about the Rid rash, I started searching for information on Facebook, I found some kind of herbal nutrition group. I looked around, read what they were eating. I liked some of their recipes and the idea that you can survive without food of animal origin. I decided to start a revolution. I went with my husband and I told him: since tomorrow we are vegans. And then I did a very serious overhaul of the refrigerator, I handed the remains of meat and fish over to my parents. Since I have had facial skin problems since I was a teenager, I decided that this nutrition experiment would also benefit me.

– Experts say that if a child is born with genes that cause allergies, they are more likely to have an allergic disease. If you don’t have altered genes, you can live in any environment, eat a variety of foods. So has a person already been born with a predisposition to non-allergic disease or illnesses?

– Maybe, I do not know. Not interested My oldest daughter Milija was allergic to wool, coconut fiber (she slept on a mattress stuffed with them). Ride had problems with food. As soon as I saw the spots on his face, I made a difference. Frankly, I didn’t even search online for information about allergies and their causes. The first thought that shot me in the head that time was … food. I read that in young children, the most common allergic reaction of the immune system is to milk protein. Fats and carbohydrates are not allergenic. So I decided to try to change the eating habits of the family.

– How did you feed your husband and daughter Milija until then?

– We ate what everyone did. We were omnivores (laughs). We only limited the sugar for Milia, because the girl who multiplied it immediately became feverish, tired. Now, after changing the diet, we sweeten the food with dates, raisins, bananas. The most interesting thing about this experiment was that we drastically changed our eating habits, in one day. Now is the fifth year that our family has eaten only vegan food. Exactly a month after we went vegan during the day, there were no more ugly spots on Rido’s face. The boy recovered at sight. I concluded that no animal protein was suitable for him. So far, I only use herbs in my kitchen.

We are a family of five indistinguishable people who enjoy small things, support each other, share beautiful words and learn to live in a friendly way.

– Why didn’t you go to the specialists, did you do any allergy test to Rida?

– When Milija’s first daughter turned out to be allergic to wool, the doctor prescribed an antibiotic ointment. I thought Ryd would probably offer the same … I didn’t want to treat my children with antibiotics and hormones. Changing the diet improved the well-being of the children. The ugly red bumps disappeared from my face. The husband has heart problems. Because in the past there was a weakness out of nowhere, the heart was beating … Now the whole family has given up meat, eggs, shellfish, milk and its products, fish, gelatin. Although I never thought I would say that, today I say: it is easy to live without them. Most importantly, my children are healthy. What else does mom need?

– What is your family’s daily diet plan: breakfast, lunch and dinner? Which of the healthy products do children like the most?

– Our family’s breakfast is usually banana ice cream served in coconut bowls with a variety of healthy sparks. (The aesthetics of food delivery is also very important to me.) For lunch, we generally choose a fruit cocktail with fiber or protein. For dinner, I usually do something with legumes: chickpeas, lentils, beans. Rice, buckwheat and potatoes still dominate our daily diet. We make stews, hummus, vegetables, salads, we eat sandwiches or other dishes. What does the family like the most? Unambiguous: Banana Ice Cream! Niam … With coconut flakes, cinnamon, cocoa or dates.

– What advice would you give to mothers whose children also have allergies?

– For mothers whose children may also be food allergic, I would like to suggest a change in diet first. Try to abandon animal products. After all, there are now so many healthier food choices, information, and alternatives. Don’t be afraid to take risks – after all, not only your children but also their own health depend on eating habits. Do not forget to drink a lot of water, we are also very happy to do it, we have become used to children from an early age. Sometimes we have to make our own homemade bread with hummus, and then stretch two liters a pitcher of water with ginger, oranges, or lemons. Our children only know and recognize water, even homemade apple juice.

– Since you changed your diet, have you rarely bought something at a produce store?

– We buy fruits, berries, vegetables, grain products. Everything that can be made healthy at home. Sometimes my parents treat their children with vegan yogurts. And I do more of everything myself. Helping children. We bake cakes, cookies, healthy breads. Shall we go to coffee shops? Na … We have some favorite vegan coffees, we only visit them on a special occasion. The last time it was September 1 was when Milia started attending a high school class. Furthermore, it is now difficult for us to reach them. When Dan, the third child, was born, we no longer fit five in our four-seater. So we do a tour when dad borrows seven people. On the other hand, I see a plate in a cafe and start thinking about how I would cook it myself. I don’t know worse. Or maybe even tastier. So why spend it then?

I see a plate in a cafe and start thinking about how I would cook it myself. I don’t know worse. Or maybe even tastier.

– The change in family eating habits also inspired her new activity: writing a culinary blog “Vegan Pepper”. It is true?

– Yes, I started writing it at that time …

– His heroes are your family. Try everything yourself, check it out first. Introduce your family members.

– We are an indistinguishable family of five people who enjoy little things, support each other, share beautiful words and learn to live in a friendly way. Man Nerius is a computer science doctor. He is my best friend, I can talk to him about everything. Together we grow three small sauces: seven Milia, almost five Rida and almost two Danish. My activities are very simple at first glance, but nothing second (laughs). I am a true housewife who enjoys being at home with children. Together with them we cook, we drive, we go to the patio to play. And when you fall asleep at lunch, I’m already sitting at the computer and writing recipes for my Vegan Pepper blogs. I still sell organic coconut bowls online, the ones we eat from and believe me, the food is so much tastier. Many do not realize how else you can guess and work when three children turn around the house. When writing, I find the moment I fell asleep (during lunch and at night) and doing everything together is always more fun.

Vedrick Family Healthy Delights with Oatmeal

According to “Vegan Pepper” blogger T.Vedrickienė, oatmeal is one of the most valuable cereals. They contain many important minerals and vitamins for the human body.

“Our children,” she says, “love to eat oatmeal for breakfast. We and my husband are not far behind. By the way, people call oat bile. Not only do they stimulate intestinal activity, they improve metabolism, but they also they help remove the slag from the body. ” toxic drug residues. “

But most Vedic families, especially children, like wholemeal oatmeal delicacies.

Oatmeal Shrek Cake

Important: I used a 250 ml cup for this recipe.

Will need:

4 cups of whole oats,

1 cup of coconut chips,

1.5 cups of filtered water

1 cup mashed banana puree

1 cup of spinach (suitable for frozen and fresh),

3 handfuls of raisins (check that they are all clean),

1 tablespoon. a teaspoon of soda

3 tablespoons tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

How to produce:

Grind the oats in a cocktail until flour. Pour oatmeal and coconut flakes into the multifunction blender. In a cocktail, mix the mashed banana, water, and spinach. Pour this dough into the multifunction blender. Mix everything together. Then add the raisins. Stir again. Extinguish the garden with vinegar. Pour into the dough and stir. Put everything on a baking sheet. Place in a preheated oven and bake at 180 ° C for about 35-40 minutes. Fresh on the grill.

Oatmeal Cookies

Important: I used a 350 ml cup for this recipe.

Will need:

3 bananas

0.5 cups of coconut chips,

1 cup of sunflower (well washed),

0.5 cups of raisins (well washed),

2 cups of whole oats.

How to produce:

Carefully measure all products and place them in separate containers. Mash the bananas in a mashed potato. Mix them with coconut chips, raisins and sunflower seeds. Then add the oats and mix well! Wash the silicone mat before baking. Dry the dishes with a cloth. With a spoon, place the prepared dough on it, pressing each time until the cookies are about 1 cm thick. Preheat oven to 180 ° C. Place cookies in preheated oven and bake for about 20-30 minutes. After taking out the cookies, wait a few minutes for them to cool down.

Apple and oatmeal pie

Important: I used a 350 ml cup for this recipe.

Will need:

2 cups oats

2 tablespoons of baking powder (I used homemade),

2 bananas (medium size)

4 tablespoons (with plenty) of thick coconut milk,

10-15 dates

5 apples

2-3 tablespoons of Ceylon cinnamon.

To make homemade baking powder you will need:

4 tablespoons of baking soda,

8 tablespoons of organic tapioca, or organic cornstarch,

2 tablespoons of citric acid.

Grind the citric acid in a coffee grinder until obtaining a powder. Mix all products well and sieve. Store in a sealed glass container. Remember: it is very important to use dry products and utensils, as the powder will react when it comes into contact with the liquid.

Peel the apples, remove the seeds and cut. Top with cinnamon and let rest in a bowl. Pour the oatmeal into the cocktail and grind until smooth. Pour the resulting oatmeal into a bowl, add the baking powder and mix with a whisk. Beat the dates and bananas until smooth. Add the banana dough, coconut milk to the flour and mix well. Pour the dough into a rectangular silicone baking dish and spread well with a silicone spatula. Then put the apples on top. Place in a preheated oven at 180 ° C and bake for about 40 minutes.

Since the dough bounces off the silicone baking sheet when baking, there’s no need to use fat at all! After removing the cake from the oven, wait a few minutes for it to cool down. Oatmeal cakes like to break, but only when they are hot. So be patient, great. Delicious!

Wet elf cake with oatmeal and walnuts

Important: I used a 250 ml cup for this recipe!

Will need:

1/4 cup brown cane sugar

1 cup white spelled flour

0.5 cups of organic natural cocoa,

2 tablespoons of baking powder (I used homemade),

2 cups of whole oats,

1.5 cups of water

8 tablespoons of melted coconut oil

40 ml chickpea decoction (I use it instead of egg white),

4 handfuls of walnuts.

Grind 1 cup of oatmeal into a cocktail. Whisk another cup of oatmeal with water. Add sugar, sifted flour, cocoa, baking powder, ground oats to the multipurpose mixer, and mix well. Then add the coconut oil and stir again. Pour the prepared mixture of oatmeal and water into the dough, and another decoction of chick peas. Add two handfuls of walnuts and mix everything again. Pour the dough into the chosen baking pan. Add the remaining walnuts on top (if you really like them, you can add more). Place the cake in a preheated oven and bake at 180 ° C for about 40 minutes. Fresh on the grill.
