Police arrested a member of the group charged with the extremely brutal murder of an 18-year-old.


2021 August 17 After a particularly complex sting operation that had been carefully planned over many months, John Snieška was arrested in the United Kingdom (UK) on suspicion of committing this heinous crime.

In the press at the time, this case was described as one of the most scandalous and horrible cases in recent years. Vilma Dadurkaitė was brutally beaten, with no signs of life, she was discovered in 2002. on the night of February 12 on the 26th floor of five floors of V. Krėvės avenue.

Almost 20 years have passed since the murder of the girl, until 2 years ago, the agents of the Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau (hereinafter, LKPB) opened a forgotten case that no longer interested anyone. In explaining the extremely serious crimes committed by the Kamuoliai armed criminal group, LKPB officials began to explain the long-forgotten crimes in society, which may have been committed by members and leaders of this criminal group, but until now, for “unknown reasons”, the actual events remained undisclosed and the perpetrators unpunished.

After 2 years of diligent work and many covert actions, in coordination with foreign partners, data was collected on the whereabouts of Jonas Snieška, a member of the Kamuoliai criminal association who may have committed a violent crime. The latter has been wanted by the Lithuanian police since 2002 for raping a girl and killing her with extreme cruelty.

J. Snieška was an active member of the Kamuoliai Armed Criminal Association, and was in contact with the members and leaders of the Kamuoliai Criminal Association currently on trial. Thanks to the joint actions of LKPB officials and UK Police Attaché Lino Pernavas and UK officials, a sting operation was carried out in the UK on 17 August 2021, during which Jonas Snieška was arrested.

A special thanks to UK officials for their close cooperation, full mutual trust, patience, diligence and invaluable contribution to the investigation of this heinous crime. This proved once again that the Lithuanian police have a good reputation and foreign partners fully trust us, we are equal partners.

The investigation into this crime is a follow-up to another investigation by LKPB officials, in which LKPB officials successfully conducted large-scale criminal intelligence and a pre-trial investigation into the extremely dangerous and well-organized group. Kamuoliai armed criminal who operates in Kaunas in order to identify and arrest those responsible. Almost 100 people have been suspected of involvement in an armed criminal organization and other serious and very serious crimes, more than 10 have been registered and European arrest warrants have been issued.

During the complex and long-term investigation, sufficient data was collected that a well-organized armed criminal association had long been formed and operated in Kaunas. It is suspected that in 1999-2018. Organizers, leaders and participants of a criminal organization committed many very serious and serious crimes: leaders organized and directed an armed criminal organization, committed murders and serious health disorders, organized illegal possession of very large quantities of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, organized drugs and psychotropic substances. smuggling of arms and ammunition, legalized criminal assets, organized forgery of documents, organized self-destruction of high-value foreign assets for selfish and hooligan incentives, violations of public order and other crimes provided for in article 129 of the Criminal Law. Code of the Republic of Lithuania. 2 d. 8 p .; 135 p. 2 d. 7 p., 9 p., 199 p. 4 d .; 138 p. 2 d. 6 p., 9 p .; 249 p. 2 and 3; 253 p. 2 d .; 260 p. 3 d. and Art. 199 4 d .; 300 p. 2 d .; 187 p. 2 d. and 284; 216 p. 1 d.

In almost two years, as a police attaché in the UK, many very dangerous criminals have been brought to Lithuania, who they believe have found safety and refuge there. Thanks to close international cooperation between the LT and the United Kingdom, under the coordination of the attaché, members of dangerous groups that have been in hiding for 20 years are found and arrested.

Even after 20 years, justice must be done.

Anyone who commits such and similar crimes must know that sooner or later they will not escape their responsibility and will have to be tried.
