Poland’s razor is sacrificing business for its beliefs


A young razor from Poland, Kinga Rutkowska, struggled to make ends meet during the pandemic, but for a young woman, fighting for women’s rights is far more important than financial loss, so she closed her salon on the 28th. October and joined a protest against the new restrictions on abortion.

The 22-year-old is one of thousands who took to the streets of Poland for seven days in a row (since the country’s Constitutional Court took more steps to ban abortion).

On Wednesday October 28, several small companies in Poland stopped their work in protest. According to K. Rutkowska, he will lose about a thousand zlotys or 216 euros in one day of protest, but in this case the money does not matter to him.

The young woman is convinced that the protests will defeat the nationalist government of “Justicia y Justicia” and is willing to pay with economic losses. The girl took to the streets wearing a protective mask with a red lightning pattern painted on her nail polish, a symbol of protest. The glitter of her lipstick was also painted on her hands.

Kinga wears the same mask in her living room. The opinions of the girl’s clients on the decision of the Constitutional Court were different.

As soon as the decision comes into force, abortion in Poland will only be possible in case of incest, rape and a threat to the life of the mother. The court affirms that abortion for fetal malformation, which was legal in Poland until then, is unconstitutional.
