Poland: Other EU countries succumb to “media panic” over AstraZeneca vaccine


In recent days, several EU members, including Sweden, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Latvia and Lithuania, have temporarily suspended vaccination with AstraZeneca due to reports of a possible link between the vaccine and blood clotting.

Nevertheless World Health Organization (WHO), The European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the International Community for Thrombosis and Haemostasis recommend continuing vaccination with AstraZeneca. Experts say there is insufficient data to justify stopping vaccination.

VIDEO: Who is behind the decision to stop vaccination with AstraZeneca in Lithuania?

On Tuesday, the representative of Polish Prime Minister Michal Dworczyk, responsible for coordinating the vaccination process, said that other countries have made unreasonable decisions, writes “Notes from Poland.”

“Most of the countries that temporarily suspended vaccination against AstraZeneca have panicked over reports of alleged complications fueled by the media,” Dworczyk said.

“I am sure that most of them will soon be vaccinated with AstraZeneca again,” he added.

“In my opinion, we are facing a planned disinformation campaign and a brutal fight between medical companies, possibly supported by the countries where these companies are registered. There are many signs that steps are being taken to discredit one of the producers, ”said M. Dworczyk.

According to him, the Polish government will rely only on specific data and recommendations from doctors and scientists.

VIDEO: Lithuania temporarily suspends vaccination with AstraZeneca – pending clarification from European Medicines Agency

According to M. Dworczyk, after the suspension of vaccination against AstraZeneca by other countries, some people in Poland did not show up for vaccination against coronavirus. However, he assured that this is not a mass phenomenon.

Like most other European countries, Poland has previously restricted the use of AstraZeneca to people over 60 years of age, with concerns about the lack of data on its effects in elderly patients. Subsequently, the vaccine was administered to people under the age of 69.

“Looking more rationally”

Professor at Vilnius Institute of International Relations and Political Science (VU TSPMI) dr. Marijuš Antonovič 15 minutes He argued that in Poland the vaccination campaign can actually be seen a bit more rational.

“Vaccination is quite fast, and Dworczyk mentions that there may be panic (about the AstraZeneca vaccine, ed.) In the information space.

There is also a political element: since Joe Biden’s administration is still far from Poland, a Chinese vaccine has been mentioned. President Duda spoke about this with Xi Jinping. I associate this with a kind of nonsense for the Biden administration, “the analyst said.

Lukas Balandis / 15min photo / 15min in the studio - political scientist Marijuš Antonovič and member of Seimas Audronius Ažubalis

Lukas Balandis / 15min photo / 15min in the studio – political scientist Marijuš Antonovič and member of Seimas Audronius Ažubalis

In Poland, the epidemiological situation is deteriorating these days. The strict quarantine will be introduced into the country starting Saturday: many shops and institutions will be closed, residents are urged to stay home.

Is Lithuania also waiting for a new wave of coronavirus infections, which is already visible not only in Poland, but also in Germany, Latvia and especially in Estonia? According to M.Antonovič, it is not necessary, because Lithuania is treated with relative caution.

“After all, there was almost a riot in Poland in January, there was despair due to the lack of support. The authorities were told: either you let it open or we open it ourselves.

And then, in February, everything suddenly opened up, with all the cinemas. We didn’t have it: restrictions are relaxed, we are encouraged to be outdoors. In Poland, due to the releases, there were more waves, less rationality, more succumbing to the pressure of public opinion ”, said Antonovič.

VIDEO: One year with the virus: China is saving a reputation and the EU will have to correct the mistakes

Is the effect of the vaccination campaign already being seen in Poland in terms of reducing severe morbidity and mortality?

“There is a gradual decrease in the average age of patients admitted to hospitals. Fewer and fewer older people are infected, as the virus spreads among groups of people who are less vaccinated,” said A. Antonovič, without However, and pointed to predictions that the situation could soon be worse than in autumn.

“And then it will be possible to compare the number of deaths. But we will have to wait two weeks,” added the interlocutor.

It was reported on Wednesday that 25,052 new cases of coronavirus infection were detected in Poland in the last day. The total number of infections has risen to 1,956,974 since the start of the pandemic, of which 48,032 have died.
