Plungiškės, who has created additional work, does not complain about the quarantine: he has orders two months in advance


Cremated or buried

When it’s cold out, we are happy to have a warm wool sweater, gloves, or socks that seem to warm you up on a bright day. And if it is woven by mom or grandma, then it is even better. Unfortunately, sheep are now popular on Lithuanian farms mainly for their meat, and wool and fur are completely undervalued – they are burned or buried in the ground.

It should not be forgotten that wool has been manufactured in Lithuania for a long time. Creative women in our countries can sew blankets, pillows, grandmothers; they can knit warm socks, a sweater or gloves with their own hands. Jewelry, scarves, rugs, slippers are made of woolen cardigans.

The wool fever in Lithuania is now exotic: it is a business that recalls the traditions and ancient crafts of our grandparents. The last Mohican Algirdas Uščinas from Plungė calls himself a joke, for whom carding wool is more of a hobby than a business. He is glad that Plung’s wool fever is in its nineteenth year.

Wool fever

Wool fever

© Photo from personal album

The only one in Lithuania

“There are non-factory machines in my plant, their width is only 1 meter 30 centimeters. Therefore, I can heat small quantities of wool. The minimum quantity is 3 kilograms. I don’t think anyone in the industry will accept such quantities. hot little girls, and I can. Not only do we heat the wool ourselves, but we also spin it, duplicate it and forge threads. Alpaca farming is now “on the wave” in the world. It is very difficult to heat alpaca wool and make threads with it. This is what I can hardly do in Lithuania. Sheep wool contains lanolin, that is, a certain bitterness that does not have dog or alpaca wool. It often falls to the ground, it is difficult to catch it, control it. She does not keep her weight. But for a long time I thought and adapted my equipment to that as well. I think I am the only one in Lithuania in this field. I have applied a special speed to card dog wool and alpaca “, said Plungiškis about his I work at the carding machine.

There is time for your favorite activity

In the Plungė plunger, the machine runs almost non-stop. “We have jobs for several months. Entrepreneurs complain that companies are quarantined during quarantine and I can hardly implement all the ideas and ideas,” said A. Uščinas, owner of Plungė wool fever.

Wool fever

Wool fever

© Photo from personal album

People of heated wool to Plungė come here from the farthest corners of the country and even from abroad: Latvia, Germany, Ireland or France.

“The Poles brought 300 kilograms of warm wool, but the restrictions slightly spoiled the planned work,” said the interlocutor. A man who fights against wool admits that this activity is not only a profession for him, but also a hobby to which he dedicates almost all his free time. Especially since Plungiškės not only cards wool, but also constantly improves and modernizes its carding equipment.

Manufacturing plants

However, Algirdas’ main occupation is working at the Ambulance Station. He is a driver, but there is time left and it is a favorite activity.

“Now I am 62 years old. I started working as an ambulance driver many years ago, then we did everything at work ourselves: not just driving, but also repairing equipment. Now is another time: equipment maintenance is carried out by certified services, you no longer need to do it yourself, ”said A. Uščinas.

All this is probably included in the baggage of your knowledge and skills, which Plungiškis can also use in his other activities: creating businesses, generating ideas or heating wool.

The oldest wool carding machine you bought is like a museum treasure. It was made in 1928. Others are old too. Therefore, the breeder also needs to be a master, adding his own work to make this unique technique work. The main wool combing equipment, made in Plungė wool carder, was made in 1932. Old values ​​so true. Well, and the spinning mill is self-built, rebuilt many times and constantly being improved.

“It is no longer factory equipment, but my own -” samadielk “- apparatus. But it works very well. Now I bought modern automatic wool carding machines from 1990 in Plungė linen fabrics, I have narrowed them to thirty meters, but I don’t have Time to finish the repairs, they are still standing, waiting their turn, ”said the wool carder.

Does not pay

“I graduated from the Rietavas Agricultural Technical School. Of course, there is no textile crafts, and especially wool carding. In this case, the person himself must have a fantasy, think: how to fix the old equipment, what to tighten, what to adjust, what speed to set. I spend my free time in fever. I work and study every day. It really took me a couple of years before I understood the whole principle of carding, ”Mr. Algirdas said of his hobby and work.

Algirdas Uščinas

Algirdas Uščinas

© Photo from personal album

He also said that he had once visited an experienced wool fever, who had been in the trade for 40 years. The man carefully inspected the carding machines and saw that the craftsman did not have the brushes turned in that direction. It was strange to him that a man in the business could not have understood the very principle of carding during that time.

Thankful to my mother-in-law for the craft lessons.

Algirdas Uščinas is the son of deportees. Born in Siberia, Krasnoyarsk Krai, where his parents were deported. Before first grade, he returned to Lithuania, to the Šilutė region. True, it was only because his parents were not allowed to go to Lithuania. In 1982, Algirdas got a job as a wool rush in Salantai.

Soon the employer became a father-in-law: Algirdas looked at his daughter while she worked.

“At that time, his wife’s family had four wool carding machines in Salantai. My wife’s father opened opportunities for me, he taught me the trade. I remember even then he said: I will not give you money, but I will teach you the trade. If you can, you will earn money yourself. In other words, you gave me a fishing rod, not a fish, “said the feverish, his first teacher.

During the Soviet era, there was no business, nor could there be, but the Salantai wool fever was known among the people. Ušvis’s mother used hot felts on request.

“The technique that was always used in the fever was capricious, old. Constantly broken. Mothers needed help. Every day I was dirtying and greasing under those old carding machines, tidying and repairing them until I finally decided to set up my own carding plant in Plungė, ”said the Samogitian wool carder.

Do not buy

A. Uščinas said that he does not buy wool himself, but is brought to the carder by people who need the service. Unfortunately, the quality of Lithuanian wool is not very good. It is rich in hay and other debris. It so happens that farmers who offer to buy sheep’s wool also add water for more leverage. Industrially, wool carding mills adhere it to a special acid so that chemicals destroy the grass it contains, and when heated, it spills into powder. And when working with small amounts, there are no such possibilities. Therefore, A. Uščinas said that he would only accept clean wool. If it is not washed, it returns to the man Depending on the fever, there are those who try to turn around: they get clean on top and even scary at the bottom of the bag. However, Algirdas does not succumb to such deceptions, to damage the machines.

“After all, washing wool is not so difficult. Especially if you know a little secret: it is best to wash wool with dishwasher detergent” Fairy “, said Plungiškis to the ignorant. He assured that non-greasy gray sheep wool would be the thing. better for slippers, but more difficult to line, and Romanov sheep’s wool was well suited for felt.

Supported by the whole family

A. Uščinas is proud that his hobby is supported by his entire family. As soon as it began to develop in Plungė, its young children, aged 10 and 12, diligently assisted in the construction of the karš facilities. Everything in them was built with their own hands, electricity was laid, plastered walls.

Wool fever

Wool fever

© Photo from personal album

Marci is also interested in her father-in-law’s activities. One – sew pillows and blankets stuffed with natural wool plush. You can also sew non-traditional products, which are very necessary for people of non-standard composition.

Recently, a mother from Vilnius had asked for a 2 meter 30 centimeter blanket for her basketball son. Because there are no non-standard products for sale. Another marti – sells various products of the wool cardigan, has established an electronic store of wool and its products.

In too short days

A. Uščinas has built, automated and modernized all his carding equipment himself. However, these devices are not his only inventions. He even developed an apparatus to recycle plastic bottles and to make bags, wreaths or baskets with recycled material.

“I just can’t find the time to start that device, but one day it will be really useful for me,” says Plungiškis. He also wants to open a funeral parlor in Plungė, where it would be beautiful and convenient for people to accompany their loved ones to eternity, that’s why he has a lot of business, a lot of ideas, sadly only the days are too short to implement everything.

“I think the most important thing when starting a new activity is discovering your niche and having the desire to do it. And then everything succeeds on its own, ”said the Samogitian craftsman.

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