Please note: signs requiring women to go to hospital immediately after taking AstraZeneca


The European Medicines Agency has stated that unusual blood clots should be labeled a “very rare” side effect of AstraZeneca and noted that the benefits of these vaccines continue to outweigh the potential risks.

Marius Strioga, an oncologist at the National Cancer Institute, discussed what women should pay special attention to and when to go to the hospital.

He mentioned that in the first 2-3 days after vaccination, the most common possible side effects are fever, malaise and should not be exaggerated.

More serious complications, which occur rarely, are possible from day 3 after vaccination and include: headache worsening, vision disturbance, neurological changes, numbness of the limbs, imbalance, speech problems.

“It would be enough to have a persistent and intensified headache with any neurological symptoms, to go to a medical institution. Another sign is the appearance of bruises, which may be related to the decrease in platelet count,” said M. Strioga.

According to him, by contacting a medical institution, doctors will know what tests to carry out and what treatment to carry out.

Mr. Strioga explained that it is also necessary to pay attention to severe abdominal pain or shortness of breath, then it is also necessary to go to a medical institution. Still, he assured that these side effects are very rare.

“In Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland and in general in Eastern Europe, these cases have not been registered, well, they are more common in women under 60 years of age. Seniors and men, show your strength and courage in this area, you will contribute to the management of the pandemic, ”he said.

When asked if blood thinners should be taken before or after the vaccine, Strioga said there was no consensus on the issue and it was not recommended at this time.

Strioga Oncologist: AstraZeneca may cause rare clotting problems

AstraZeneca or Vaxzevria can cause some rare clotting problems, but they are not meant to be abandoned in Lithuania. Women under 60 years of age should be considered for potential risk of pathology between 3 and 16 days after vaccination and should be hospitalized immediately if they notice any signs of the slightest possible complication.

“However, AstraZeneca or Vaxzevria has been shown to cause some rare clotting problems.” This is nothing new in the field of medicines, because whatever medical procedure we choose, from the simplest to the extraction of teeth, going through complex cardiac and neurosurgical operations, we always take some risks, “said Marius Strioga, an oncologist at the National Cancer Institute.

According to him, the initial reports were unlikely, but Western scientists, especially Norwegian ones, are explaining the possible mechanism that causes these pathologies.

A diagnosis and treatment methodology has already been proposed, and Mr Strioga commented that this complication can occur very rarely, for example in the EU of 25 million. 86 cases of possible complications with fatalities were reported in vaccinated persons 18.

According to him, the possible complications can be controlled if they are noticed in time and know how to do it.

“The contribution of this vaccine to its ability to control a pandemic remains,” he said.

AstraZeneca calls you only for people over 60

Strioga commented that abandoning this vaccine during a pandemic would be the stupidest thing to do to achieve public immunity.

According to him, although the effectiveness of the vaccine was initially less studied in the elderly, the latest data now shows that the effectiveness of AstraZeneca after the first dose is 76% effective in protecting against symptomatic disease, increasing to 8-2 % after the second dose. But a US study found that immunity in the general population after this vaccine also reaches 76 percent, but increases to 85 percent in the elderly.

“This means that the vaccine is even more effective in the elderly than in those under 60 years old. My recommendation would be, yes, vaccinate anyone, people of all ages, if you talk to women under 60 years old, they will be given information before vaccination on what to look for between 3 and 16 days, what symptoms and apply immediately to the hospital, although it is unlikely that this pathology will be diagnosed. <...> It will be possible to give all kinds of help and it will not even end in undoubted death.

But I would like to urge the older population of our population, the elderly, this vaccine seems to be, well, just for you compared to the younger ones. Because no severe cases have been observed, which in principle are very rare, and the efficiency is higher ”, said M. Strioga.

According to him, the risk of bleeding disorders is much higher if a person develops COVID-19.

The news portal recalls that some countries have chosen not to vaccinate the youngest with AstraZeneca.

WHO: Link between AstraZeneca vaccine and blood clots: ‘possible’ but not confirmed

The link between the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine and rare blood clots is possible but not confirmed, vaccine experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) said Wednesday, stressing that such side effects are “very rare.”

At the time, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) said Wednesday that the formation of unusual blood clots should be labeled a “ very rare ” side effect of the AstraZeneca vaccine, noting that the benefits of these vaccines continue to outweigh. the potential. risks.

The VAS also emphasized that no specific risk factors for abnormal blood clots had been identified with AstraZeneca.

The COVID-19 subcommittee of the WHO Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety held a meeting on Wednesday to review the latest information from the EEA, the UK Medicines and Healthcare Agency (MHRA) and other health care agencies. pharmacovigilance.

“Based on current information, a causal relationship between the vaccine and the formation of low blood platelets is considered possible, but has not been confirmed,” reported the WHO Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety.

“Specialized research is needed to fully understand the possible link between vaccination and possible risk factors,” he added.

“Although worrisome, the cases evaluated are very rare – out of nearly 200 million. Rare cases of blood clots have been reported in people receiving AstraZeneca COVID-19 around the world, according to the report.

The committee said in its report that rare side effects must be weighed against the risk of death from COVID-19 and the potential of vaccines to prevent coronavirus infection and reduce the number of deaths.

WHO experts say side effects two to three days after vaccination are “likely and common.”

“However, people who develop severe symptoms … between 4 and 20 days after vaccination should seek immediate medical attention,” the report noted.

The Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety “will meet again next week to review additional data and issue additional recommendations as appropriate,” their report said.
