Plans evaluated to unlink the PSD from the registry in the Employment Service: wouldn’t the beneficiaries suffer?


“I ask if it is correct for the Employment Service to administer the PSD contribution as such, because there are people who register with the Employment Service just to take out this insurance. Wouldn’t it be better to look for a different management mechanism than what those people could secure? And the Employment Service could then have its direct mission: find people to find a job when they lose it, receive unemployment benefits when they lose income, etc. “Said the portal to the portal some time ago. detailed by M. Navickienė herself.

Although some parliamentarians supported the idea, believing that the Employment Service itself is overloaded, the peasant, the Minister of Social Security and Labor of the shadow government, Tom Tomilin, assures that the objective also generates certain risks and uncertainties.

Mr. Tomilin asks for a look from the other side

T. Tomilinas, shadow minister and member of the Seimas Labor and Social Affairs Commission, pointed out that currently the unemployment situation is linked to the PSD, and it is the PSD that allows identifying and including in the social services system to people who need some state help. Not only that, according to the parliamentarian, it is not very clear to whom the function to be dismissed from the Employment Service would be transferred.

You take thymine

You take thymine

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

“We cannot help but see that the PSD has become a tool to identify those people who otherwise simply would not appear in the social services system in the broadest sense. For some of these people, when they are self-employed they earn little or no income, they don’t show up in any system, they are elusive, they aren’t even offered help, and that’s a problem. The employment service has that system and those people get those offers in one way or another.

PSD makes it possible to identify a large proportion of people who normally would not. There is talk that the Employment Service is doing extra work. Even if the PSD is transferred to the Health Insurance Fund or other institution, the Employment Service will continue to be notified of the person who is unemployed. That job will still be done.

It will not be the case that the Health Insurance Fund begins to explain the situation with human labor. The essence of the employment service is that it works with the employment of a person, it is in charge of increasing their employment, ”he said.

According to T. Tomilinas, there is another risk. Recognizing the problem of non-receipt of social assistance by current managers, changing the PSD administration, removing it from the Employment Service and transferring it to another institution runs the risk that an even larger circle of people in need of certain social assistance not receive it because they will not be identified.

“The Minister identified the problem of not receiving social assistance. There is a great gap in the social support system between those who really need it and those who really ask for help. There is money left, but the people who need it do not come. The rulers identified The problem of seizure If people are expelled from the horizons of the PSD and the Employment Service system, this problem of deprivation will worsen.

It is necessary to understand that the issue of social support is very inconvenient, people do not go to it ”, emphasized T. Tomilinas.

Only the function operator is changed

Algirdas Sysas, representative of the Seimas Committee on Labor and Social Affairs, who supports the idea raised by M. Navickienė, emphasized that only the question of the transfer of functions is raised.

“The employment service simply cannot work normally and use its resources, human resources, for what they should be destined for, that is, to seek employment. Now they are involved in the administration of benefits, the registration of the unemployed who do not they want to work and various other matters, I hope this step will be taken.

Algirdas Sysas

Algirdas Sysas

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

The illogical needs to be corrected. It is a matter of political self-determination only. If there is no political will, everything will continue as it is.

The quarantine continues, which means that some benefits will continue to be paid. If we continue charging the Employment Service with this job and it will not be able to perform its permanent functions. One of the main horses, when Monika Navickienė became a minister, was the talk about the liberation of the Employment Service from its unusual functions. Here it is a question of political will. Unless everything is postponed, as with tax reform, “said Sys.

According to A. Sys, the unemployed and others who receive state insurance would not change. There really is no need to fear that, according to the MP.

“It just came to our attention then. The question is who does this, it’s a management question.

Recipient here than to what. It is an internal matter of the state who pays it. The Employment Service has completely different functions and has no additional human or financial resources related to PSD. This has been happening for many years and we demand quality employment from the Employment Service. That cannot be the case, ”explained the Social Democrat.

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