Planned return to Lithuania: a glimpse of COVID-19 – a woman can’t believe the sudden rule change


A reader approached Delfi and claimed to have been misled by public information about vaccination requirements.

“EU Digital COVID Certificate | The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania ( (date of last update: 06/17/2021) declares that (I quote):

– when crossing the Lithuanian border in the EU The COVID digital certificate is valid after vaccination with Comirnaty – 7 days after the second dose.

– More flexible quarantine measures for people who have received one of the following vaccines for COVID-19 (coronavirus infection): 1 week after the administration of the second dose of Comirnaty or COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna according to the vaccination schedule , Vilma readers quoted.

He explained that according to this official information, his return to Lithuania from abroad had already been planned and all conditions were met.

Lithuanians returned home on special trips.

Lithuanians returned home on special trips.

“However, the Re-open EU website ( suddenly changes the information and states that the EU digital COVID certificate is valid 14 days after the second dose of the vaccine (or a single dose, only 1 dose), “said Vilma. .

The woman noted that the National Public Health Center (NVSC) stated that 10 days of isolation would be required upon returning to Lithuania and less than 14 days after 2 doses of the vaccine.

And suddenly, such lawsuits arise overnight, when people have been waiting for more than a year to return to their country according to all the possible rules in force at the time.

I cannot describe what it feels like when you have not returned to Lithuania for over a year and a half due to this pandemic and when everything seems to be fulfilled, the legislation suddenly changes.

What arguments and research are used to make such decisions? Why do EU countries apply different entry dates for the EU digital COVID certificate? The reader was outraged.

Claims to update information immediately

The Department of Health (SAM) says the information on the changes was updated immediately.

“Today (Thursday – Delfi), after the changes went into effect, the information on the SAM website was updated. Information on the changes in public space came back on Monday when they were approved by the government.

Vilnius airport

Vilnius airport

© DELFI / Modesta Bear

It is recalled that the EU Digital COVID Certificate is a form of sending personal data that helps to assess whether a person can benefit from exemptions from restrictions or less strict quarantine conditions. The rules are set by the states themselves and may differ, as states have different views on the epidemiological situation and the situation itself is different. However, the harmonization of the rules is being negotiated at the EU level, “the ministry said in a comment sent to Delfi.

Explained what requirements apply now

The NVSC explained that an amendment to the legislation establishing a uniform time frame for vaccination of any of the four vaccines, which could be followed by isolation exemptions, went into effect on 06/17/2021.

This amendment does not apply to individuals who possess a personal health care document, country-specific vaccination certificate, or international vaccination certificate stating that a person has been vaccinated with one of these COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) vaccines. ) (COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen) upon return from abroad., Comirnaty, COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna or Vaxzevria) under a vaccination scheme approved by the competent authority of the country where the vaccination was completed if at least 14 days and the person has been vaccinated:

– a second dose of vaccine, when the vaccination schedule consists of two doses of vaccine;
– one dose of vaccine, when the vaccination schedule consists of one dose of vaccine;
– at least one dose of vaccine when the vaccine is administered to a person who:
developed COVID-19 disease (coronavirus infection) and was diagnosed
confirmed based on a positive PCR test for SARS-CoV-2.

This legislative amendment also introduced a provision to reduce isolation 14 days after the vaccine was administered. Therefore, the NVSC would like to point out that in cases where 14 days have not elapsed since the return from vaccination, isolation is not required for 10 days, but only until day 14 after vaccination.

Individuals in isolation can inform the National Center for Public Health that they have been in isolation for 14 days after vaccination by completing this online form and their isolation period will be shortened, based on the response provided by The institution.

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