Photo of Paulius Ambrazevičius found in Times Square, New York | Names


The man shared a view from New York’s Times Square on Tuesday on his Facebook account. Next to the photo he wrote:

“If you could ever show up here in New York, in Times Square, you could see me, it wasn’t a mirage here.

Since December last year, we’ve been friends with Nasdaq Vilnius, and in April, Earth Month, we’ve had a couple of fun events together.

As I recall, I got some fame, which you can see below. I don’t know if I have to say “if I can get there / I will do it anywhere”, but it will be a very nice memory.

Thanks to Asta Jonuškaitė and everyone who made me so happy! “

P.Ambrazevičius 15 minutes He said it was an event that he would definitely tell my grandchildren about.

The comedian said his friendship with Nasdaq Vilnius began when there were no more events due to the pandemic. “I was thinking about what I could do in life, I was looking for a niche. I started offering corporate battles to companies remotely, ”says P. Ambrazevičius.

Thanks to one of the event organizers, he corresponded with the company. “It was December, just before the big parties of the year. When I did a battle, they offered to continue cooperating,” he recalls.

According to Paul, “green culture” is very important on the Nasdaq. “They are celebrating Earth Month in April, so they invited me to do the event again. Then I did one, then another. A total of three. By the way, there’s another one waiting for Thursday, ”Paulius smiles.

Personal Album Photo / Paulius Ambrazevičius

Personal Album Photo / Paulius Ambrazevičius

Their battles involve company employees from around the world, from the US to India. They really like the comic style.

Still, Paul hasn’t been to America yet, Nasdaq staff sent him a photo of Times Square. “If I could have been in the square where they showed it, I would have fallen, because that’s what you see in the movies and suddenly you appear there,” laughed the comedian.

The man thinks that if he could have a picture of him standing in the square at the moment he was shown on the screen, it would be fantastic. “I would print, frame and hang on the wall right away,” he admitted.

It is true that Paul knew in advance that it would be great in Times Square and could choose his own good quality photo. Nasdaq wrote to me a month ago that he wanted to make a souvenir and asked me for a good quality photo that he could put on a tower in New York. The message made me very happy, I thought it would be fun to cooperate with us ”, smiles the interlocutor.
