Pharmacist on the importance of vitamin D: normal levels reduce the risk of COVID-19 | Lifetime


Evelina Zykienė, Camelia pharmacist, explained to the media why this vitamin is so important and how much we need it.

Vitamin D is a vital trace mineral that helps maintain normal bone and teeth condition, normal muscle function, and most importantly, immune system function. A study conducted in Lithuania in 2018 showed that vitamin D deficiency was found in 67 percent. subjects. Its greatest deficiency is observed in December-April.

“The most current research is related to COVID-19 infection. Many of them have already been done and it is safe to say that people with a normal concentration of vitamin D in the body have a lower risk of contracting an infection, says the pharmacist E. Zykienė.

– Both mortality and morbidity from COVID-19 infection have been shown to decrease in a person without vitamin D deficiency. It is also important that vitamin D not only acts as protection, but COVID-19 can lead to a easier disease and fewer complications. “

The pharmacist answered important questions about vitamin D deficiency and consumption.

– What is vitamin D and why is it important for our health?

– Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin. We get the highest amount of vitamin D from UV sunlight (80-90%), while from food – only up to 20%. nuotr./Vitamins D nuotr./Vitamins D

Vitamin D has long been known to protect the body from osteoporosis, strengthen teeth and bones. However, this is not its only effect. It also regulates the metabolism of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium and participates in the configuration of our immunity.

– When can we suspect vitamin D deficiency?

– Older people are more likely to complain of increased deficiency of vitamin D. Also suffer from various chronic diseases, overweight, pregnant and lactating women.

Deficiency can be manifested by muscle weakness, decreased immunity. In severe deficiency, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, and rheumatoid arthritis can develop. Resistance to viral infections decreases significantly and calcium absorption deteriorates. Children can develop rickets, impaired tooth growth, and stained tooth enamel.

The vitamin is also recommended for people with high blood pressure, as well as for those who experience bone or muscle pain.

– Why does vitamin D deficiency occur?

– There may be several reasons for a deficiency. It is too short a stay in the sun, malnutrition, not used in food of animal origin, liver and kidney failure. Also the use of some medications.

The vitamin is also recommended for people with high blood pressure, as well as for those who experience bone or muscle pain.

– Is an overdose of vitamin D possible?

– Yes. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, so its excess can accumulate in the liver or adipose tissue. Main symptoms: weakness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. In severe cases, kidney problems can occur. Too high doses of vitamin D can even interfere with the growth of children. Therefore, children are especially sensitive to this vitamin overdose. If a vitamin D overdose is suspected, it should be stopped as soon as possible and dietary intake should be reduced.

– What are the current rates of vitamin D?

– Deficiency is defined as vitamin D levels below 20 ng / ml, deficiency of 20-30 ng / ml, and a target and target of 30-50 ng / ml.

– How much vitamin D to take?

– 400-1000 IU per day for babies under 1 year and 600-1000 IU per day for babies over 1 year. Adults: up to 2000 TV per day.
