Pernava shares images after protests in London: vandalism has crossed borders


L. Pernavas currently works in London and, through the windows of his house, he saw a crowd of thousands marching down the street and had to meet the protesters on the street.

“I didn’t risk my health and my life, so I didn’t go into the crowd, provoke and walk away. There were also police officers nearby, I felt safe. I have worked in the police for 26 years, which I am used to in problematic situations.

But when I went out on the street at night, I noticed that other people lived nearby, I think some of them really had to feel insecure, because many people with masks, and some were quite aggressive, “said L. Pernavas on

The protests are good until they turn into vandalism.

According to L. Pernavas, it is very important to keep in mind that we live in democratic countries: be it the United States, the United Kingdom or Lithuania. Protests are a form of expression of opinion. That is fine and that is normal.

“The second thing is bad, when the protests turn into vandalism, what I have seen, demolition of monuments, littering and harming other people, in this case, the police officers. On Sunday morning, 27 policemen had been injured in the UK.

When it comes to gun use, this is a completely different situation here. I saw protests through my window and I had to be on the street and see these people. I have a big question: Does everyone really understand the situation in the United States, where it all started after the murder of African-American George Floyd?

Does everyone really understand the situation with the weapons and the culture of their use? Does everyone really know that there are hundreds of people in the United States who are being killed by police officers? I’m not saying it’s bad, it’s just that the police are being killed there, “said the interlocutor.

The situation in the United States is different.

The situation in the United States is completely different from that of the United Kingdom or Lithuania. This was noted by L. Pernavas.

“In my opinion, critical thinking about the whole situation is very important here. Is it really the use of force that has been caused in the US, or does it have to provoke outbreaks of force, violence and vandalism in others countries too?

It is an indefinite cycle or circle where one violence gives birth to another. Neither side is taking the step of talking, looking at the reasons for this and thinking about how to deal with it. I understand when this is a big problem, but violence will not solve violence.

In no way am I saying that there should be no protests. If you have a different opinion, if you cannot express it in another way, that is one of the “prices of democracy”. Everything is natural, but it does not have to become a vandalism of what I saw and what I shared in my photos.

That garbage will have to be resolved, cleaned up and I am no longer talking about resources that have been used for public order, traffic and the security of the protesters themselves. Everything that has been destroyed will have to be repaired, “said L. Pernavas.

Linas Pernavas

Linas Pernavas

“Maybe it’s already a fashion issue”

The police attaché said that observing the Protestant crowd gave the impression that the majority of the protesters were young, believing that a significant number of them could also be minors.

“In my subjective opinion, for many people it is perhaps already a matter of fashion: participate and be together. You can see from one side that it is a matter of fashion. The crowd then captures one or the other act, deliberately or unconsciously: a demolished monument , an injured police officer, littering or breaking.

I see this here in London, and I see much smaller examples in Lithuania. I think young people should have a critical mind and understand what is what and how problems are solved.

If something happens in Lithuania, if someone opposes a police officer, it is often said why we do not do the same as the United States, do not use a weapon. If it were like in the United States, we would probably find hundreds of messages that that person would be shot or arrested immediately.

When the American police behave as people usually write in Lithuania, then we protest why they do it. There is a lack of critical thinking and understanding of the problem and the situation, “said the interlocutor.

He recalled how a police officer killed a man during a UK police operation a decade ago. There were massive protests in London and the United Kingdom. However, no one reacted in Lithuania, USA. USA Or anywhere else.

“We are talking about a coronavirus that has attacked the entire world. Question: What do all the protesters who are in such a crowd think? It must be said that there are far fewer people wearing masks than on the street. It takes a while to look around. Unlike the protesters, most wear a protective mask. However, the mask alone will not protect as they go side by side in the crowd of tens of thousands, touching each other. ” L. Pernavas noted.

Community President: Police do not use water cannons or rubber bullets

Dalia Asanavičiūtė, President of the Lithuanian community in the UK, told that the mass protests have taken place in the UK for two weeks.

“I see what happens in London and I talked to a friend who works as a police officer, we see that around 20 thousand people gathered.” people. This has been going on for two weeks, with the police forces concentrated in the center. The demonstration itself is just as peaceful, but the people who are rebelling also find places, perhaps engaging in a bit of vandalism, behaving aggressively, and carrying out attacks against the same police officers.

Here, unlike the United States, the police do not use water cannons or rubber bullets. They try to separate the crowd if a more aggressive person comes up, it’s just to separate him and that. The Prime Minister and politicians praised the police for their good and fast work, “said D. Asanavičiūtė.

Dalia Asanavičiūtė (photo from

Dalia Asanavičiūtė (photo from

The acts of vandalism went beyond limits.

According to the president of the Lithuanian community, there are different opinions among the people of the United Kingdom.

“We must not forget that we still have a strict quarantine and that no more than six people are allowed to choose.” These people are afraid of such massive demonstrations: they do not keep their distances, although most with masks. Infections are feared not to increase again.

On the other hand, people don’t understand why the Churchill statue has been desecrated, why acts of vandalism are taking place. I saw in the press how a black woman with a grocery store complained that even they were devastated.

Vandalism has crossed borders in some places. Of course, not like in the United States, because people are calmer here. People agree that discrimination is still alive, that this issue is painful and needs to be addressed, but it does not support vandalism and aggressive attacks on the police themselves, “said D. Asanavičiūtė.

12 people were arrested in London on Sunday

As previously announced at the BNS, 12 people were arrested during ongoing protests in London in solidarity with the American movement Black Lives Matter. According to a London police statement, most of these people have been arrested for breach of public order.

Police also said that several protesters attacked law enforcement officers and threw glass bottles and torches at them. A total of eight police officers were injured.

“Unfortunately, after the most peaceful protests in the capital the day before, officials have faced new scenes of violence and riots. It is a very hot move, and we understand the public’s desire to have their voice heard, but it is wrong that This enthusiasm turns into brutal attacks on officials, “said Senior Inspector Jo Edwards.

As the BNS reported, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, for his part, emphasized that while people have the right to protest peacefully, they cannot attack the police. He said the protests were “interrupted by banditry”: “They betray the cause they must serve.” The perpetrators will be brought to justice. “

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of London on Sunday to condemn police brutality after the murder of unarmed African American George Floyd in Minneapolis.
